[11:50] <Jonas.g> meow
[11:51] <Jonas.g> mreow
[11:52] <SuperEliteJordan> Who are you branya?
[11:52] <XeRhyme> Branya?
[11:53] <Jonas.g> im going to go practice electrokinesis
[11:55] <SuperEliteJordan> Is electroK useful
[11:55] <XeRhyme> No kinesis is really useful.Mostly for entertainment purposes.However if "advanced" then some are actually very practical.
[11:57] <Kile574> Aslal !
[11:57] <Kile574> There we go, he's not dead .
[11:59] <Kile574> hello? .-.
[12:00] <SuperEliteJordan> Hi
[12:00] <Arro Yunora> ~
[12:02] <HawkTech>
[12:03] <Kile574> * Kile574 pets eins 
[12:03] <EinsVanCat> @_@
[12:03] <Kile574> Have all of you met my daughter ? >:3
[12:03] <HawkTech>
[12:03] <HawkTech> this is where the gif is from
[12:04] <EinsVanCat> gyahhhh
[12:05] <HawkTech> 4st world problems
[12:05] <Kile574>
[12:05] <HawkTech>
[12:06] <Kile574> this rap dude. its priceless 
[12:07] <XeRhyme> Got the funniest rap battle ever
[12:07] <XeRhyme>
[12:08] <Jonas.g> kinesis not sueful Xe that is some bull crap right there and dont think it dont stink niether
[12:09] <Jonas.g> *useful
[12:09] <Jonas.g> just god....
[12:09] <XeRhyme> Orly.Make a useful application for Starting off then.
[12:09] <XeRhyme> Keep in mind here,Said "advanced" has some uses.
[12:10] <XeRhyme> I'll gladly testify that manipulating air and being able to manipulate temperature is kinda handy.
[12:10] <XeRhyme> Manipulating the weather would also be a handy thing when you think about it."If your good at it"
[12:11] <PsylockePsion3> wb
[12:11] <Jonas.g> dude i went into my room with a light bulb and instead of projecting my energy into the light bulb i accidently projected it at the flashlight
[12:11] <XeRhyme> And what happened?
[12:12] <Jonas.g> it turned on for 1 sec then off
[12:12] <SuperEliteJordan> Woah
[12:12] <XeRhyme> Now if you were able to sustain the flashlight for 5 minutes.That would be useful.Your energy I guess substituted for a battery.
[12:12] <SuperEliteJordan> Can you tazer a guy with electroK
[12:12] <Jonas.g> yeah i meant for it to go into the lightbulb
[12:12] <Jonas.g> think so
[12:12] <Rushontherun> Electrokinesis is useful ive drained a battery and refilled
[12:12] <Kile574> How do you accidentally move energy to the wrong place ?
[12:13] <Rushontherun> ikr lol
[12:13] <SuperEliteJordan> I should try that instead of aeroK 
[12:13] <XeRhyme> To Tazer a guy.You'd have to generate a large amount of volts to begin with.Which probably could hurt you if you have no clue what your doing.
[12:13] <SuperEliteJordan> I can AeroK enough
[12:13] <Rushontherun> yeah youd deep fry yourself
[12:13] <Rushontherun> lol
[12:13] <XeRhyme> Or potentially shock yourself and risk something worse.
[12:13] <Rushontherun> yeah
[12:13] <Jonas.g> or use pyrokinesis to burn smokers alive
[12:13] <Arro Yunora> :/
[12:13] <XeRhyme> "If you could even generate fire to begin with"
[12:14] <Jonas.g> all the sudden your smoking then wam your lighter generates a huge flame that engulfs you
[12:14] <HawkTech> im going to rek you
[12:14] <SuperEliteJordan> Just make the cig flame 
[12:14] <Kile574> Plot twist, the technical term for generating fire is pyroginesis, pyrokinesis only refers to controlling it .
[12:14] <XeRhyme> ^^^^
[12:14] <SuperEliteJordan> BIGER
[12:15] <Jonas.g> oh Xe rhyme got schooled!!
[12:15] <XeRhyme> Honestly only things I do is AeroGenesis,Thermokinesis,Biokinesis.That are "kinesis/genesis" related.
[12:15] <XeRhyme> The fuck are you talking about?
[12:15] <XeRhyme> lol
[12:15] <XeRhyme> He schooled you.You just corrected by him
[12:15] <Jonas.g> sit down xerhyme cause sensei kile is gonna teach ya a few things
[12:15] <XeRhyme> *got corrected
[12:15] <Jonas.g> no i was talking about controlling a cig flame
[12:16] <Jonas.g> you were talkin about generating it
[12:16] <XeRhyme> Well.That depends.Are you even capable of enhancing the flame?
[12:16] <XeRhyme> 
[12:16] <Jonas.g> yes
[12:16] <XeRhyme> To a large extent,in a quick amount of time?
[12:16] <XeRhyme> Talking from a small bit to the size of your hand.Because that would definently freak ppl out
[12:17] <Jonas.g> lets see it takes a lot of concentration so id say a 1 min
[12:17] <XeRhyme> If you can do this.Why not make a demonstration?
[12:17] <Jonas.g> on what 
[12:17] <Jonas.g> youtube
[12:17] <Okamiden12> nice and smooth :D 
[12:17] <Jonas.g> naw man
[12:17] <Jonas.g> cause people dont believe psychic youtubers
[12:17] <HawkTech> xerhyme got rekt
[12:17] <Jonas.g> they all think they are fakers
[12:18] <Okamiden12> it's true but we would :P
[12:18] <Okamiden12> but Rhyme is saying you're full of shit
[12:18] <Okamiden12> he just doesn't wanna come out and say it
[12:18] <Okamiden12> ;)
[12:18] <Jonas.g> all i have to say to rhyme is luck is not what it seems
[12:18] <SuperEliteJordan> Lol
[12:19] <Jonas.g> someday the tables will turn on hime
[12:19] <Okamiden12> lol
[12:19] <XeRhyme> This isn't an anime Jonas.
[12:19] <HawkTech> xerhyne
[12:19] <XeRhyme> Don't try to threaten a guy over the internet.It doesn't work
[12:19] <HawkTech> you got rekt
[12:19] <HawkTech> dl wth it
[12:19] <Kile574> ^^
[12:19] <Jonas.g> anime?
[12:20] <Jonas.g> oh ohoho says mister no profile pic
[12:20] <XeRhyme> Your tryna talk about luck n stuff.N like,acting like I got wrecked.Kile merely mentioned a term.
[12:20] <SuperEliteJordan> Talking about fairytail
[12:20] <SuperEliteJordan> Cause the main character uses fire...
[12:20] <HawkTech> R
[12:20] <HawkTech> E
[12:20] <HawkTech> K
[12:20] <HawkTech> T
[12:20] <Jonas.g> you wanna try getting one sometime Xe
[12:20] <SuperEliteJordan> Rext?
[12:20] <Okamiden12> im making his >.< shh
[12:21] <Jonas.g> and i chose this cause im a pyrokinetic 
[12:21] <XeRhyme> I didn't even bring up your pic in the first place.
[12:21] <Jonas.g> so go choose an avatar and maybe well talk
[12:21] <XeRhyme> What does a pic have to do with this in the first place?
[12:21] <Jonas.g> mister mysterious
[12:21] <SuperEliteJordan> Damn
[12:21] <SuperEliteJordan> Duhduhduh
[12:21] <XeRhyme> I just don't put pics here because I don't add them on here.
[12:21] <PsylockePsion3> wb
[12:21] <SuperEliteJordan> The deathblow
[12:21] <Okamiden12> Rhyme bby ima make u one
[12:22] <XeRhyme> I'm mostly on Skype/Other sites to begin with.I frequent here because I want too.
[12:22] <Jonas.g> plus i do kinetics cause im the only one in my whole entire town who does them
[12:22] <XeRhyme> Also.I did not say Kinesis was useless earlier.
[12:22] <XeRhyme> I said some are actually useful when your advanced at them.
[12:23] <Jonas.g> plus i dont treat real life like an anime
[12:23] <SuperEliteJordan> See he is cornered and is swallowing pride
[12:23] <XeRhyme> What are you talking about?I'm restating what I said.
[12:24] <SuperEliteJordan> Hmmmmmmmhm
[12:24] <XeRhyme> You tried to throw an empty threat at me over the internet.
[12:24] <SuperEliteJordan> Me?
[12:24] <XeRhyme> Not you Jordan
[12:24] <XeRhyme> Mean't jonas.Tryna talk about some luck stuff or whatever
[12:24] <SuperEliteJordan> Oh I was like
[12:24] <XeRhyme> Nah nah man.Your not starting anything
[12:24] <SuperEliteJordan> Trix are for kids...
[12:25] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 gives the rabbit the blood stained trix,
[12:25] <HawkTech> xerhyme
[12:25] <Okamiden12> -buries the kids bodies-
[12:25] <HawkTech> im making a picture for you
[12:25] <XeRhyme> Again,Not using a picture.
[12:25] <Okamiden12> NO HAWK >.<
[12:25] <SuperEliteJordan> I'm gonna shower bai
[12:25] <SuperEliteJordan> Use one
[12:25] <Kile574> i have to practice scrying tonight. All tips appreciated .
[12:25] <XeRhyme> Aight,Bye Jordan
[12:25] <Okamiden12> his boyfriend should do it
[12:25] <Okamiden12> :P
[12:25] <XeRhyme> Well.What materials you using Kile?
[12:26] <Jonas.g> thats it my energy is too chaotic
[12:26] <HawkTech>
[12:26] <Jonas.g> im off to go project it
[12:26] <Jonas.g> maybe at a tree or something
[12:27] <Okamiden12> or right up your own arse
[12:28] <Rushontherun> (hehehe) 
[12:36] <XeRhyme> Chat appears to have died.
[12:36] <Okamiden12> only a little bit
[12:36] <Okamiden12> and photoshop wont fucking open
[12:36] <Okamiden12> and i refuse to use MS paint for resizing
[12:36] <Okamiden12> oh lol it just opened :P
[12:37] <XeRhyme> It came back to you
[12:37] <Jonas.g> (unsatisfied) @ kile
[12:37] <Okamiden12> well it's very laggy cuz i'm installing watch dogs, playing a video and being ehre 
[12:37] <HawkTech> i want
[12:37] <HawkTech> a dirty hoe
[12:37] <Okamiden12> and probably doing 11 other background things i don't know about
[12:38] <Okamiden12> -gives hawk a dirt covered gardening tool-
[12:38] <XeRhyme> lol.
[12:38] <HawkTech>
[12:38] <HawkTech> like this one
[12:38] <XeRhyme> Oka,You tryna kill your comp
[12:38] <Okamiden12> yes
[12:38] <Okamiden12> XD
[12:39] <SuperEliteJordan> Back
[12:39] <SuperEliteJordan> OMFG
[12:39] <SuperEliteJordan> Freaking not that bad word
[12:39] <HawkTech> what bad word?
[12:39] <SuperEliteJordan> Fu*k
[12:39] <HawkTech> are you gay?
[12:39] <SuperEliteJordan> No
[12:39] <Okamiden12> yes :3
[12:40] <SuperEliteJordan> I just don't cuss
[12:40] <Okamiden12> oh you meant him
[12:40] <Okamiden12> who says cuss <.>
[12:40] <Okamiden12> i say sweaqr
[12:40] <Okamiden12> swear
[12:40] <Okamiden12> and i swear all the fucking time
[12:40] <Okamiden12> so
[12:40] <PsylockePsion3> expletive deleted
[12:40] <HawkTech> fucking hoe
[12:40] <Temp321> hey oka
[12:40] <Okamiden12> i'll fuck ur hoe -3-
[12:40] <HawkTech> so dirty
[12:40] <Okamiden12> oh hey Mipple
[12:40] <SuperEliteJordan> My gf sent me a pic of her in a bikini 0.o
[12:40] <Okamiden12> the one that doesn't exist?
[12:41] <SuperEliteJordan> Troll
[12:41] <Okamiden12> aww shit
[12:41] <PsylockePsion3> that's it
[12:41] <Okamiden12> typed what i thought 
[12:41] <SuperEliteJordan> Don't think
[12:41] <Okamiden12> i'm always thinking
[12:41] <PsylockePsion3> benefit of LA we can wear beach clothes whenever bwahahahahaha
[12:41] <SuperEliteJordan> That's a insult to me
[12:42] <Okamiden12> you're an insult to ...existence :|
[12:42] <SuperEliteJordan> Id ban you if I had the magic power of adminship
[12:42] <XeRhyme> *Does not understand what just occurred
[12:42] <SuperEliteJordan> For I second
[12:42] <Rushontherun> Were i live it was raining like crazy today
[12:42] <KarmaReforged> lol
[12:42] <SuperEliteJordan> Same here rush
[12:42] <XeRhyme> I had a large storm in my area too
[12:42] <Okamiden12> i had a storm yesterday
[12:43] <PsylockePsion3> whats rain? jkjk
[12:43] <SuperEliteJordan> I mean why she is sensitive about her body
[12:43] <PsylockePsion3> *what's
[12:44] <SuperEliteJordan> I'm surprised just 0.0
[12:45] <Okamiden12> (horny) = Jordan looking at this one girl on the internet
[12:45] <SuperEliteJordan> Haha oka
[12:45] <Okamiden12> u know i luv ya
[12:46] <SuperEliteJordan> :D = oka looking at guys on the internet
[12:46] <XeRhyme> You mean looking at me^_^.
[12:46] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 has a boyfriend
[12:46] <Okamiden12> ^
[12:46] <Okamiden12> ;P
[12:47] <Okamiden12> and i look more like this (horny) 
[12:47] <SuperEliteJordan> What do I type for that?
[12:49] <Lesami> i got angry at someone for making a gay joke today >.> 
[12:49] <SuperEliteJordan> I don't like gay jokes
[12:49] <SuperEliteJordan> They are wrong
[12:50] <SuperEliteJordan> Some people like guys and girls or their own gender obama let it happen LET IT GO
[12:50] <PsylockePsion3> Only if they are offensive, I mean call me maybe could be considered a gay joke, but it isn't offensive.
[12:50] <SuperEliteJordan> yeah
[12:51] <SuperEliteJordan> Yeah true
[12:51] <Lesami> i dislike people using gay as a derogrotory term like thats gay to describe something bad
[12:51] <PsylockePsion3> @superelitejordan marriage was decided to be a matter for states to decide so it has to go through state legislation
[12:51] <SuperEliteJordan> That's 93% of my school
[12:52] <SuperEliteJordan> Do we need to pm another arguement paylocke?
[12:52] <SuperEliteJordan> I'll bring google on this
[12:52] <Okamiden12> Hai i came back
[12:52] <SuperEliteJordan> Shush
[12:52] <Okamiden12> ..excuse you <>.<>
[12:52] <Okamiden12> did u just fucking shush me
[12:53] <SuperEliteJordan> Yes I freaaking did
[12:53] <Okamiden12> i will give you hepititis
[12:53] <PsylockePsion3> it is governed by the state laws and constitutions
[12:53] <Okamiden12> also i couldn't center my avatar properly
[12:53] <Okamiden12> so that's my goal for this weekend
[12:53] <Okamiden12> :P
[12:53] <SuperEliteJordan> I knkw psylocke
[12:53] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 will probably never get around to doing it
[12:54] <SuperEliteJordan> ^^agreed
[12:54] <XeRhyme> back
[12:54] <Okamiden12> wb bby
[12:54] <XeRhyme> I agree,Hate it when ppl use gay as derogatory
[12:54] <XeRhyme> Like,Who came up with that?
[12:54] <Okamiden12> i'll get on to making your avatar
[12:54] <SuperEliteJordan> What's the race of all the people here?
[12:54] <Okamiden12> ...
[12:54] <Lesami> im english
[12:54] <Okamiden12> I'm of the swedish people
[12:54] <SuperEliteJordan> Its not racist I'm just curious
[12:55] <XeRhyme> I'm Whiteboy.
[12:55] <Okamiden12> ^
[12:55] <Okamiden12> i'm that too
[12:55] <Okamiden12> even though he's not "white"
[12:55] <SuperEliteJordan> Cool I'm white
[12:55] <PsylockePsion3> blatino
[12:55] <XeRhyme> Nah I'm actually Puertorican/Dominican,
[12:55] <XeRhyme> But I look white
[12:55] <Okamiden12> blatino XD
[12:55] <XeRhyme> I know a blasian
[12:55] <Okamiden12> shh
[12:55] <Okamiden12> 030
[12:55] <SuperEliteJordan> I hate mixed race jokes
[12:55] <Okamiden12> i'm swasian
[12:55] <Lesami> dont state skin tone, state nationality or ethnicity, its more important to look past simple colours
[12:55] <SuperEliteJordan> Like she's a mixed breed
[12:56] <SuperEliteJordan> That's my most hated joke
[12:56] <SuperEliteJordan> I here it all the time because my school is racist and this girl has a white dad and african mom
[12:57] <SuperEliteJordan> Hear*
[12:57] <XeRhyme> In my school.They say the 1900s slave word alot for some reason
[12:57] <SuperEliteJordan> Jigaaboo?
[12:57] <PsylockePsion3> That's an insult not a joke. a A joke would be: Stop calling Obama the mixed president, because if he was stealing your car you wouldn't say catch that mixed guy
[12:57] <Lesami> im not in any school yay
[12:57] <PsylockePsion3> *1800s
[12:58] <SuperEliteJordan> Lucky you lesami
[12:58] <HawkTech> im from brazil
[12:58] <Lesami> im a university student this september
[12:58] <SuperEliteJordan> I'm about to finish mine
[12:58] <HawkTech> so i have genes from many races
[12:58] <PsylockePsion3> which one?
[12:59] <SuperEliteJordan> I'm supposed to be in 12 grade by next year but my princibal is a racist black
[12:59] <Lesami> UCLAN, or the university of central lancashire
[12:59] <SuperEliteJordan> Cool
[12:59] <PsylockePsion3> Are you from the uk?
[12:59] <SuperEliteJordan> Me?
[12:59] <HawkTech> meh
[01:00] <Lesami> yes
[01:00] <PsylockePsion3> no
[01:00] <HawkTech> yes
[01:00] <PsylockePsion3> great
[01:00] <SuperEliteJordan> No
[01:00] <SuperEliteJordan> I'm a american
[01:00] <Lesami> im not sure why being english is great
[01:00] <PsylockePsion3> Can you explain the school system for me? I know that compulsory education used to stop at 16
[01:00] <HawkTech> because
[01:00] <PsylockePsion3> now it is starting so that it continues to 18 and year 12
[01:00] <HawkTech> english is english
[01:00] <HawkTech> uknow?
[01:01] <SuperEliteJordan> Changes from school to school
[01:01] <HawkTech> uɐpɹoſǝʇᴉlƎɹǝdnS
[01:01] <PsylockePsion3> Before then what was the optional schooling that you attended often referred to as colleges and top form/6th form, what was the point of it?
[01:01] <Lesami> education starts at five till 16, a person can then choose to go to college fore free, and study a-lervels or b-tec then university, which is financed by loan companies and to pay you have to be earning 21 tohusand pounds a year and its a monthly tax payyment of around 11 pounds, so its easy to get rid of
[01:01] <PsylockePsion3> And wat are a=levels
[01:02] <SuperEliteJordan> Hawk that's my name upside down
[01:02] <SuperEliteJordan> Though a I is a box
[01:03] <SuperEliteJordan> Brb
[01:03] <HawkTech> l isnt a box
[01:03] <Lesami> alright, lets start simple, college in the UK, is essentailly a specialized section of education, its open to teenagers of age and adults, and is the equivilent to the last two years of high school in america, A-levels, are a set of qualifications in four different subjects that one can aquire, while B-tec is a siungle highly specailized subject which is more practical
[01:03] <HawkTech> your browser just doest support the font
[01:04] <HawkTech> lesami
[01:04] <HawkTech> why do you mess the words
[01:04] <Okamiden12> the I is fine for me :P
[01:04] <HawkTech> ?
[01:04] <Lesami> what do you mean? 
[01:04] <Okamiden12> i dont' know what the hell is going on :|
[01:04] <HawkTech> like siungle
[01:05] <PsylockePsion3> got it
[01:05] <Lesami> its called dyslexia, 
[01:05] <Lesami> past this its also an element that i suffer from a lack of hand eye coordination
[01:05] <HawkTech> oh
[01:05] <HawkTech> that explains
[01:06] <HawkTech> i thought it was it
[01:06] <HawkTech> but i wasnt sure
[01:06] <Lesami> why do you feel the need to shatter and fragment your sentances? 
[01:06] <HawkTech> idk
[01:06] <HawkTech> i always did that
[01:07] <HawkTech> got used i guess
[01:07] <PsylockePsion3> what is your planned major?
[01:07] <Lesami> well it makes it very difficult to follow some things you say
[01:07] <Lesami> i assume thats something in american colleges psy? 
[01:08] <Okamiden12> it i
[01:08] <Okamiden12> is
[01:08] <Okamiden12> well..idk how to english colleges /universities work
[01:08] <Okamiden12> UK*
[01:08] <Okamiden12> not english :P
[01:08] <Lesami> we don't do majors we do degrees, 
[01:08] <Okamiden12> we do too
[01:09] <Okamiden12> but some people have a Major
[01:09] <Okamiden12> which is the degree they put the most time into
[01:09] <Okamiden12> and their Minor is..well the opposite
[01:09] <XeRhyme> Over here.We do majors I think
[01:09] <XeRhyme> Where I'm at
[01:09] <Temp321> oka pm
[01:10] <Lesami> i plan to do a batchelors degree in games design followed by a masaters degree in games design
[01:10] <Okamiden12> sounds good :) 
[01:11] <XeRhyme> Oka,What u plan on bein?
[01:17] <EinsVanCat> League is @_@
[01:18] <XeRhyme> People on league be callin you out on things you didn't even know you were doing.
[01:19] <XeRhyme> "Why didn't you grab blue buff!?I'm not even the jungler"
[01:22] <Okamiden12> chat crashed ;-;
[01:23] <Jonas.g> meow
[01:25] <Lesami> i had a fun time once explaining that freeways dont exist in england once
[01:26] <Okamiden12> xD
[01:29] <Lesami> sorta want people to ask me questions about england >.< i like breaking stereotypes
[01:30] <Okamiden12> is it true that all english people drink tea :P
[01:30] <Okamiden12> well..most i should say
[01:31] <Lesami> tea is very popular, but ots by no means the go to hot drink nor do we have special cups or a specific time to drink it, coffee is equally popular
[01:32] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 like coffee
[01:32] <Okamiden12> brb i gotta check on the dinner situation before i hurt someone -3-
[01:33] <PsylockePsion3> hi
[01:33] <Lesami> english slang for the third meal of the day, is generally tea, so breakfast, lunch, tea or dinner
[01:34] <PsylockePsion3> where in england are you?
[01:34] <Lesami> the north west, the county of lancashire,
[01:35] <Okamiden12> well that explains why you're going to..what was it UCLAN?
[01:35] <Lesami> outside greater london, there are 83 counties, and yes, but i could have gone to the universiyty of york, or oxford, or bolton, 
[01:36] <PsylockePsion3> You know what I always found interesting about the uk is that people say it isn't all england but the vast majority of the land mass and population comes from england
[01:36] <PsylockePsion3> I know there is wales scotland and northern ireland too
[01:36] <Okamiden12> WATCH DOGS FINISHED :D 
[01:36] <PsylockePsion3> now play thief
[01:37] <PsylockePsion3> hi
[01:37] <PsylockePsion3> What system oka?
[01:37] <Okamiden12> PC :|
[01:37] <Okamiden12> i pirate this shit
[01:37] <PsylockePsion3> lol
[01:37] <KibaTheWolf> Pirate what, Oka?
[01:37] <Okamiden12> ur mom -3-
[01:38] <KibaTheWolf> LOL
[01:38] <Okamiden12> xD
[01:38] <Maskedmoon> Hello im back
[01:38] <Okamiden12> nahh Watch DOgs
[01:38] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Masked
[01:38] <Lesami> psy, along with those four major countries there is the isle of man, the isles of scicily, and thousands of other small islands around ther coast
[01:38] <Maskedmoon> Hello kiba
[01:38] <Maskedmoon> How are you?
[01:38] <KibaTheWolf> Youre pirating Watch Dogs? Well then XD
[01:38] <KibaTheWolf> Im cool
[01:38] <PsylockePsion3> don't those factor into the primary countries
[01:39] <Okamiden12> so ima go play my game :P
[01:39] <PsylockePsion3> Like the island france has that no one ever shows when they have a picture of france
[01:39] <KibaTheWolf> Im downloading Free to Play games on Steam :/
[01:39] <Okamiden12> xD
[01:39] <Lesami> most dom, however many are outside the legal boundries
[01:39] <Lesami> *-do
[01:39] <Okamiden12> Kiba wai u no has money
[01:39] <PsylockePsion3> Like what?
[01:40] <Okamiden12> i have 73 games
[01:40] <Maskedmoon> Kiba
[01:40] <Maskedmoon> do you know chroma?
[01:40] <Maskedmoon> 
[01:40] <Okamiden12> i would have 74 but i think one of my purchases got stuck in cyberspace :|
[01:40] <Lesami> the isle of man as far as i am aware is not part of england or wales, 
[01:40] <Maskedmoon> The game
[01:40] <KibaTheWolf> I have money, but im going to buy a Game of Thrones blu ray
[01:40] <KibaTheWolf> No, whats it about?
[01:40] <Okamiden12> :|
[01:40] <Okamiden12> why GoT
[01:40] <KibaTheWolf> Because its awesome
[01:40] <PsylockePsion3> I love the books and show
[01:40] <Maskedmoon> A musical rythm FPS
[01:41] <Maskedmoon> Basically a game where the level and weapons all shift by music
[01:41] <Maskedmoon> Custom one coming soon
[01:41] <Lesami> dont pirate games >.> its not good and ruins buissiness, moreso enforcing destructive DRM because the producers keep loosing money thus cannot produce a decent product
[01:41] <KibaTheWolf> That seems really cool
[01:41] <Maskedmoon> So basically, a dubstep shotgun,,,,
[01:41] <Maskedmoon>
[01:41] <KibaTheWolf> Is it free or paid? XD
[01:41] <Jonas.g> meow
[01:42] <Maskedmoon> free
[01:42] <KibaTheWolf> Oh its not on Steam yet
[01:42] <KibaTheWolf> When will it be released?
[01:43] <Lesami> still, i do not in any way support game piracy, don't do it -.- 
[01:43] <XeRhyme> I support piracy of games that no longer physically exist.
[01:43] <Maskedmoon> Late 2014
[01:43] <Maskedmoon> I tested the alpha
[01:43] <Maskedmoon> And the game Is amazing
[01:43] <Maskedmoon> I always went with the "Spark" class
[01:43] <KibaTheWolf> I only bought PS2 pirate games when i was younger XD
[01:44] <Maskedmoon> basically, a shotgun-machinegun thing
[01:44] <Lesami> unless you can literally not get the game elsewhere or it has ended production, otherwise, your a dick and a horrible person
[01:44] <Maskedmoon> And it was all like spraying sparks lol
[01:44] <KibaTheWolf> Im definately going to get that game, it looks awesome
[01:44] <Maskedmoon> You can even wall run
[01:44] <Rushontherun> Do any of you guys play Day z standalone
[01:44] <Maskedmoon> Yes, there is parkour too
[01:44] <PsylockePsion3> just go to mom and pop stores
[01:44] <KibaTheWolf> Cool
[01:44] <PsylockePsion3> they sell them pretty cheap
[01:45] <PsylockePsion3> although i'm sure most of them steal them where i go
[01:45] <Lesami> sell what? 
[01:45] <PsylockePsion3> games
[01:45] <PsylockePsion3> and controllers
[01:45] <PsylockePsion3> and consoles
[01:45] <Lesami> cheap chinese crap
[01:46] <PsylockePsion3> they are the real things
[01:46] <Lesami> or, to put it in a slighlty les racially biased sense, third party shape rip offs selling shoddy hardware that lacks proper features and will break in hours
[01:46] <PsylockePsion3> but probably srtolen
[01:46] <PsylockePsion3> *stolen
[01:46] <PsylockePsion3> downtown LA has a lot of stolen things
[01:47] <KibaTheWolf> Like the pirate version of Sony joysticks
[01:47] <KibaTheWolf> Sqmy XD
[01:47] <Lesami> seriously though kiba, you pirate you have a good chance of pushing a game publisher over the edge and not producing any more games
[01:47] <PsylockePsion3> and a lot of real name brands that got thrown out because they had a single misstitch 
[01:48] <PsylockePsion3> pretty cool
[01:48] <PsylockePsion3> my cousin once got a designer dress because they used the wrong shade of green
[01:48] <Lesami> and moreso putting me out of a job
[01:48] <KibaTheWolf> Actually, the worst part is pirating Indie paid games
[01:48] <KibaTheWolf> That can really ruin a low budget game company
[01:49] <PsylockePsion3> Pirating smaller companies/sole game dev isn't worse
[01:49] <PsylockePsion3> it is the same
[01:49] <KibaTheWolf> Its not, it haves a bigger impact on them
[01:49] <Lesami> pirating any game is wrong kiba, people spent years putting work into the title and you steal it, its plain theft, they loose sales, they loose revenue, they loose jobs
[01:49] <KibaTheWolf> Not saying its not bad for the bigger ones, im just saying its worst with the smaller ones
[01:49] <PsylockePsion3> not necessarily 
[01:50] <Lesami> then no new titles, and heavy DRM on every new title after that, making it a worse expeience to play, 
[01:50] <PsylockePsion3> a lot of indie developers do it for fun
[01:50] <Jonas.g> im bored and im leaving
[01:50] <Temp321> im gonna go to
[01:50] <Temp321> bai
[01:50] <PsylockePsion3> Plus pirating from bigger companies can be worse, because if sells aren't adequate more heads are going to roll than a few
[01:51] <Lesami> meh, i just want to work a a games studio where bdsm is a social norm in the office >.> 
[01:51] <KibaTheWolf> I would hate to see a franchise that i love being canceled because the company broke, its wrong and i know it, but it does have a bigger impact in indie companies because of their lack of money, they rely heavily on the sucess of their games
[01:52] <KibaTheWolf> And if a single game fails, it can ruin the company, that dosnt happen with bigger ones like EA for example, its not good for them, but a single game cant ruin the company
[01:53] <Lesami> actually, it can ruin the development house
[01:53] <HawkTech> isnt ea
[01:53] <HawkTech> the publiser?
[01:53] <Lesami> multiple losses can crush a publisher like THQ even
[01:53] <HawkTech> publisher
[01:53] <HawkTech> dafuq
[01:53] <HawkTech> what am i talking aboutr
[01:53] <Lesami> EA is both a publisher and an in house developer
[01:54] <KibaTheWolf> Damn, that reminded me of when THQ broke, i really wanted to see a Darksiders sequel :/
[01:54] <HawkTech> but there is?
[01:55] <PsylockePsion3> sony is about to break
[01:55] <Lesami> kiba its likley you will someone else has the franchise licence
[01:55] <KibaTheWolf> I meant a Darksiders 2 sequel
[01:55] <HawkTech> illuminati uses the triangle
[01:55] <KibaTheWolf> Really?
[01:55] <HawkTech> the triangle has 3 sides
[01:55] <PsylockePsion3> their entire company has had serious financial woes fore the past 5 years
[01:55] <HawkTech> darksiders 3 confirmed
[01:55] <PsylockePsion3> XBOX shall vanquish
[01:56] <Lesami> psy, you know when it was said the xbox will vanquish last time? 12 years ago, 
[01:56] <EinsVanCat> lol.
[01:56] <PsylockePsion3> They won the war with ps3, but Sony is going to go bankrupt soon unless a miracle happens
[01:56] <PsylockePsion3> *battle
[01:57] <KibaTheWolf> Why do you think so, Psy?
[01:57] <PsylockePsion3> i'll link you kiba
[01:58] <PsylockePsion3>
[01:58] <KibaTheWolf> I guess Nintendo is in a much worse situation than the companies you mentioned, at least with the Wii U sales
[01:58] <PsylockePsion3> sony's best year in recent times was only losing 240 million dollars
[01:58] <KibaTheWolf> Maybe the new Mario Kart can help them a bit
[01:58] <PsylockePsion3> I mean sony as in the entire company not just the gaming department
[01:59] <PsylockePsion3> the ps3 was a failure for them, it lost them so much money
[01:59] <EinsVanCat> it was too expensive.
[01:59] <PsylockePsion3> it should have been more expensive at launch just to cope with the amount they were losing
[01:59] <KibaTheWolf> I dont think the PS3 was a fail .-.
[02:00] <PsylockePsion3> it makes sense when they sold the 1st playstation at a loss to get into the market, but as an already established player it was stupid
[02:00] <PsylockePsion3> In terms of profit it was
[02:00] <PsylockePsion3> Sony has had deficits for at least 5 years in a row
[02:00] <KibaTheWolf> Is it because its sales were smaller that the 360's?
[02:00] <Lesami> psy, every console of that generation apart from the wii was sold at a substantial loss, for sony the PS3 was a success as it did not rely on console sales it relied on aftermarket sales
[02:01] <Lesami> sales were larger than the 360
[02:01] <PsylockePsion3> Xbox got a head start which helped
[02:01] <PsylockePsion3> it has 85 million as of this month or last
[02:02] <PsylockePsion3> the 360 outsold playstation for a 20 month streak which was pretty funny
[02:02] <Lesami> i use a PC so i honestly dont care
[02:03] <Lesami> brb
[02:03] <PsylockePsion3> I love microsoft so I like their successes and the death of their rivals
[02:03] <PsylockePsion3> 10 straight years of tv losses
[02:03] <KibaTheWolf> I have a PS3, ill buy a next gen console when i have the money too, but i just bought my new PC with great gaming potential so yeah, i dont care too much
[02:03] <Lesami> good for you, you know what microsoft dosent want? the death of their rivals
[02:03] <PsylockePsion3> I know, beautiful business model
[02:04] <PsylockePsion3> So successful
[02:04] <Lesami> what buissiness model? 
[02:05] <PsylockePsion3> Software focus
[02:05] <PsylockePsion3> Which allows for cheaper machines for a greater market share
[02:06] <PsylockePsion3> hi rev
[02:06] <Rêveur of the Night> Hey
[02:06] <Lesami> i prefer PC as its the upmost pinicle of technology with the largest potential market, and widest arry of viable titles and stylesa
[02:07] <PsylockePsion3> microsoft
[02:07] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Rev
[02:07] <PsylockePsion3> I like it, but i prefer a console
[02:07] <PsylockePsion3> I don't know why though
[02:07] <Rushontherun> Hi
[02:07] <Rêveur of the Night> Ayye
[02:07] <KibaTheWolf> Why cant i login on LoL ;-;
[02:08] <Rêveur of the Night> You play LoL?
[02:08] <Rêveur of the Night> I was just about to log into that o_o
[02:08] <Rushontherun> that happend to me one time i emailed them and everytime but i was doing my password wrong lol
[02:09] <KibaTheWolf> Yeah, its just a server bug tho
[02:09] <KibaTheWolf> It happens all the time in the BR server, hope they fix it soon :/
[02:09] <Rêveur of the Night> Yeah. Let me log in fine
[02:09] <Rushontherun> Did you guys see the video for the new summoners rift
[02:10] <KibaTheWolf> Yeah
[02:10] <Rêveur of the Night> nope
[02:10] <KibaTheWolf> It looks so awesome, the design is more simple but yet, more beutiful
[02:11] <Rushontherun> Yeah do you know when there gonna do it
[02:11] <KibaTheWolf> This year, but not until october, i guess
[02:11] <KibaTheWolf> Mostly on december
[02:12] <KibaTheWolf> But the PBE version will be up soon
[02:12] <Rushontherun> I cant wait that long lol
[02:12] <KibaTheWolf> Lol just create an account at the PBE when it releases
[02:13] <Rushontherun> I already have a Leauge account or do you need a different account for the pbe
[02:13] <KibaTheWolf> Its a different account
[02:13] <Rushontherun> Ohh
[02:14] <KibaTheWolf> They only allow new users when they release new content
[02:14] <Rushontherun> oh ill just make a secont account then
[02:14] <KibaTheWolf> And its for a short time, like, at Braum's PBE release they opened the sign in option for 1 or 2 days
[02:15] <KibaTheWolf> Idk if they opened it for Karthus's remake, but im sure they will for SR's release
[02:15] <Rêveur of the Night> I just randomly did it and I was fine o.O
[02:16] <Rêveur of the Night> oh
[02:16] <Rushontherun> My favorite champ is ez
[02:16] <KibaTheWolf> They open it at random times too, but its most likely to be open in big releases
[02:16] <KibaTheWolf> My main is Rengar ^^
[02:16] <Rêveur of the Night> I always use Yi
[02:17] <Rushontherun> I only play bot I suck every were else lol
[02:17] <KibaTheWolf> Im learning all the roles, i just cant play ADC :/
[02:18] <Rêveur of the Night> I once played a 5v1
[02:18] <Rêveur of the Night> Me and a friend, with three high power bots on hard.
[02:18] <Rêveur of the Night> The one guy slaughtered us all
[02:19] <KibaTheWolf> LOL
[02:20] <KibaTheWolf> I really need to learn how to play Yasuo, i bought him today but its really hard to land the E's right XD
[02:20] <Rushontherun> the only melee charecter im good with is aatrox lol
[02:21] <KibaTheWolf> Lol the trick to play against Aatrox is to have your jungler to blow his passive out, that way its easy to beat him
[02:23] <Rêveur of the Night> Teemo (evil) 
[02:23] <KibaTheWolf> Not the shrooms D:
[02:23] <Rushontherun> lol TEEMMO
[02:24] <Rushontherun> I hate getting killed by him
[02:24] <Rushontherun> and the way he runs
[02:24] <KibaTheWolf> I hate running into his shrooms when i try to counter jungle
[02:25] <KibaTheWolf> But for me, the most annoying champion is Lee Sin
[02:28] <Rêveur of the Night> o_o
[02:28] <Rêveur of the Night> I gotta go, all my chat's are being blown up
[02:28] <Rushontherun> Yeah his damage and mobility is crazy
[02:28] <Rêveur of the Night> "Wukong"
[02:28] <KibaTheWolf> Like, hes BLIND but hes based on skill shots
[02:29] <Rushontherun> yeah I heard hes hard to play
[02:30] <KibaTheWolf> But if youre good with him, you can do some serious damage to the enemy team, expecially the jungle
[02:30] <KibaTheWolf> jungler*
[02:31] <Rushontherun> yeah I love playing ez but playing against him sucks because of his ult.
[02:31] <Rushontherun> It's good for team fights 
[02:33] <KibaTheWolf> One of the most unused champions is, from my point, one of the best mid laners in the game
[02:33] <KibaTheWolf> Xerath
[02:35] <Rushontherun> I almost forgot who he was lol i never see him played
[02:35] <KibaTheWolf> No one uses him because hes fully based on skill shots and dosnt have an escape
[02:36] <KibaTheWolf> But in the right hands, he can do MASSIVE damage without running out of mana because of his passive
[02:39] <Rushontherun> how much ip does he cost
[02:40] <KibaTheWolf> 4800
[02:41] <KibaTheWolf> If you can manage a Lee Sin, you can manage a Xerath
[02:41] <Rushontherun> Im gonna try him out later 
[02:41] <KibaTheWolf> I guess an early boots can help with escaping ganks
[02:41] <KibaTheWolf> Are you level 30, Rush?
[02:42] <Rushontherun> No 18
[02:42] <KibaTheWolf> Im 28
[02:42] <KibaTheWolf> Too bad i cant add you because we are on different servers :/
[02:44] <Rushontherun> do you live in the uk
[02:44] <KibaTheWolf> Brazil
[02:44] <Rushontherun> Oh i live in the U.S
[02:45] <KibaTheWolf> Lol i would have created an NA account but the ping would be really high
[02:45] <KibaTheWolf> Perhaps will create one after i get level 30
[02:45] <Rushontherun> yeah im gonna play more so i can get to lvl 30
[02:46] <KibaTheWolf> Im going to train Yasuo later, im too lazy to get of the chat XD
[02:47] <Rushontherun> same here im interested in playing xearth now
[02:47] <Rushontherun> *xerath
[02:48] <KibaTheWolf> It should be hard at first because of the skill shots, but after a week or two of playing with him you should do pretty good
[02:53] <Rushontherun> yeah i remember when I first started playing ez he was really hard
[02:53] <Rushontherun> because of his skill shots
[02:54] <KibaTheWolf> Yeah
[02:54] <KibaTheWolf> Rengar was really difficult at first too, its hard to get used to his passive and skills
[02:54] <KibaTheWolf> I always used the stacks on W, but i should use on Q for the attack speed
[02:58] <Rushontherun> Is rengar the one were he can throw you behind him
[02:58] <KibaTheWolf> No, thats Volibear
[02:59] <KibaTheWolf> Wich is my second choice for jungling, actually
[02:59] <KibaTheWolf> He dosnt have sustain, but the fear helps alot
[03:00] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Kile
[03:00] <Kile574> hello
[03:01] <Rushontherun> Hi
[03:02] <Kile574> Hiya
[03:04] <Rushontherun> If i was projecting energy into a soda can and my hand was being attracted to it would that be static electricity
[03:04] <Rushontherun> or something else
[03:04] <Kile574> * Kile574 shrugs 
[03:04] <Kile574> I dunno.
[03:05] <KibaTheWolf> Idk too
[03:05] <Rushontherun> it was weird it felt like there was a psi ball in between the soda can and my hand
[03:05] <KibaTheWolf> Like, idk if it makes sense to be static energy
[03:06] <KibaTheWolf> Maybe its the energy flow attracting your hand, maybe its your mind playing tricks on you, idk
[03:06] <KibaTheWolf> Try it again, see what you get
[03:07] <Rushontherun> kk
[03:09] <Rushontherun> yeah feels like theres a psi ball between my hand and the can
[03:09] <KibaTheWolf> What does the psi ball feel like?
[03:10] <Rushontherun> not that hard it vanished when i put my hand towards it more
[03:11] <Rushontherun> usally when i make a psi ball my hands i feel my hands move apart 
[03:11] <KibaTheWolf> No, what does the psi ball's energy feel like? Tingling? Pressure?
[03:12] <Rushontherun> Ohh pressure no tingiling
[03:13] <KibaTheWolf> Interesting, so it makes your hand move away from each other?
[03:14] <Rushontherun> yeah i can feel them expanding as if someone was blowing air into a beach ball to make it bigger
[03:15] <KibaTheWolf> Do you draw energy from somewhere when you practice EM or make a psiball?
[03:15] <Rushontherun> nope
[03:15] <KibaTheWolf> Like the wind, electronics, water, earth or do you simply make it without gathering energy?
[03:16] <KibaTheWolf> Hm, so, besides EM, what do you practice?
[03:16] <Rushontherun> I make it without gathering energy i use the energy inside my arms
[03:16] <Rushontherun> TK and Electrok 
[03:16] <KibaTheWolf> What are your results so far with EK?
[03:17] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Oka
[03:17] <Rushontherun> Good I can drain a battery and refill most of it
[03:17] <Okamiden12> hai :P
[03:18] <KibaTheWolf> And when you practice EK the energy feeling dosnt change?
[03:18] <Rushontherun> no not really just tingles a little more
[03:19] <KibaTheWolf> Interesting....
[03:19] <KibaTheWolf> It seems like energy feels different in everyone, dosnt matter what they are practicing
[03:19] <KibaTheWolf> I wonder why that happens
[03:20] <Rushontherun> Yeah if i could describe my energy itd be a magnet
[03:21] <KibaTheWolf> Does anybody else here practice EM?
[03:21] <Rushontherun> like to magnets that dont go together
[03:21] <KibaTheWolf> So it feels like a magnet?
[03:21] <Rushontherun> yeah like two magnets that dont go together
[03:21] <KibaTheWolf> And it attracts you to the alluminum can when you practice?
[03:22] <Rushontherun> yeah 
[03:22] <Kile574> Im working on EM, and eins is pretty good at it 
[03:22] <EinsVanCat> n.n
[03:22] <KibaTheWolf> Interesting, i think that helps my theory on energy
[03:22] <Rushontherun> but when i do psi balls my hands do the opposite of attract to each other 
[03:23] <Kile574> Theres no specific way that people experience psiballs 
[03:23] <KibaTheWolf> Kile and Eins, how does energy feel when you 2 practice EM?
[03:23] <Kile574> I feel mine like a weird sticky plasma 
[03:23] <KibaTheWolf> And you, Eins?
[03:23] <Kile574> Well theres no set way for energy to feel because everyones energy is different .-.
[03:24] <KibaTheWolf> Thats what im trying to understand, Kile, what are the types of energy and what exactly is energy
[03:25] <Kile574> I cant answer the second one but theres a wide variety of energies that can be as diverse as the person it comes from 
[03:25] <KibaTheWolf> I believe it can determine in wich abilities someone can be better at
[03:25] <Kile574> However they are most commonly associated with clean and dirty energies.
[03:25] <Kile574> Mine is filthy ._.
[03:26] <KibaTheWolf> Clean and dirty energies?
[03:26] <Kile574> Yeah.
[03:26] <Kile574> Like...
[03:26] <Kile574> Eins help me out here incase i get something wrong 
[03:26] <Rushontherun> Mine probaly be dirty how can you tell
[03:26] <Kile574> Energies can be effected by your emotions, and the emotions of people around you.
[03:27] <EinsVanCat> sure
[03:27] <Kile574> People with darker emotions tend to have dirtier or 'tainted' energies because of the effect of the negative emotions .
[03:27] <Kile574> The less stress, worry, anger and so forth that you are experiencing the cleaner your energy will be .
[03:28] <KibaTheWolf> Does clean energy help with EM?
[03:28] <Kile574> However it can also become dirty because of entities and leeches .
[03:28] <EinsVanCat> it does
[03:28] <Kile574> Yeah, 
[03:28] <Kile574> Because if you dont keep your energy clean is can become slow and .. almost murky 
[03:28] <Kile574> Or atleast mine does .
[03:28] <KibaTheWolf> We should have a page dedicated to energy, like, energy itself and not EM
[03:28] <Okamiden12> Eins used to have a massive problem with me cuz my energy was just....awful
[03:29] <Kile574> Thats not a bad idea actually .-.
[03:29] <EinsVanCat> mhmmm
[03:29] <Kile574> Actually thats a wonderful idea 
[03:29] <KibaTheWolf> That would help people to understand energy and have a greater chance with psionics
[03:30] <KibaTheWolf> Meditating is key to achieve the best results, since it cleans your energy
[03:30] <EinsVanCat> yeah it would
[03:30] <EinsVanCat> Good idea :3
[03:30] <Kile574> Well... Grounding would help more to clean energy.
[03:30] <EinsVanCat> Also I have plenty of dark thoughts xD
[03:30] <KibaTheWolf> Information like that would be really helpful for people that just started EM
[03:31] <Kile574> I can write the page if someone *cough* doesnt mind revising it and adding information that ive missed 
[03:31] <Rushontherun> Yeah I never meditate I feel like I don't need to lol
[03:31] <KibaTheWolf> I think we should gather as much information as possible, divide the information in sections and post it on the site
[03:31] <EinsVanCat> >...>
[03:31] <Kile574> Ive only meditated a few times. 
[03:31] <Jonas.g> meow
[03:31] <Jonas.g> im a psychic
[03:31] <KibaTheWolf> I think Eins would be helpful with that part, since you said hes great at EM
[03:31] <Kile574> Shes*
[03:32] <EinsVanCat> *she
[03:32] <EinsVanCat> n.n
[03:32] <Kile574> S'okay sweety -hugs eins-
[03:32] <EinsVanCat> @_@
[03:32] <Kile574> xD
[03:32] <KibaTheWolf> Sorry, couldnt discover your gender for your name XD
[03:32] <EinsVanCat> Can check profile
[03:32] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 hides the sharp things from eins
[03:32] <Kile574> Shes my daughter 
[03:32] <Okamiden12> ...just in case
[03:32] <EinsVanCat> @__@
[03:32] <Kile574> I killed her family and everything, then adopted her :D 
[03:32] <EinsVanCat> *ded*
[03:32] <KibaTheWolf> LOL
[03:32] <Kile574> * Kile574 reanimates you frankenstien style
[03:33] <EinsVanCat> urgghhhhh
[03:33] <KibaTheWolf> Such a sweet love story, still better than twilight (epicface)
[03:33] <Kile574> LIIIIVE!
[03:33] <Kile574> xD
[03:33] <KibaTheWolf> OH WHERES MY EPICFACE
[03:33] <Kile574> I DONT KNOW ILL FIND IT D:>
[03:33] <KibaTheWolf> I loved that emote, everyone knew that ;-;
[03:33] <Okamiden12> (:D) 
[03:34] <KibaTheWolf> Thanks Oka
[03:34] <Kile574> its just :D now 
[03:34] <Okamiden12> <3
[03:34] <Rushontherun> (dance) 
[03:34] <Kile574> (:D) 
[03:34] <Okamiden12> i remember torquil changed it
[03:34] <Kile574> (mudkip) 
[03:34] <KibaTheWolf> MUDKIIIIIIIIIIIP
[03:35] <Kile574> (epic) 
[03:35] <Kile574> (epic) <-- how eins looks when shes admiring her father 
[03:35] <Kile574> * Kile574 does a manly pose 
[03:35] <EinsVanCat> @_@
[03:35] <Okamiden12> ....
[03:35] <Okamiden12> such an unmanly kile
[03:35] <EinsVanCat> jumpin out, in a ranked
[03:35] <KibaTheWolf> Ranked?
[03:35] <Jonas.g> meow im a tree
[03:36] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Horsy
[03:36] <Horsyqueen> daymn u lot are still up
[03:36] <Kile574> Eins ---> (epic) when she looks at me (dance2) 
[03:36] <KibaTheWolf> Its just midnight .-.
[03:36] <Kile574> its onto 10:30 here .-.
[03:36] <Horsyqueen> mhmm
[03:36] <Okamiden12> yeh
[03:36] <KibaTheWolf> Yeah yeah, time difference
[03:36] <Horsyqueen> u lot have like lack of sleep i swear
[03:36] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 only sleeps when he's ready
[03:36] <Kile574> (kile) 
[03:36] <Horsyqueen> going to sleep late though
[03:36] <Horsyqueen> and waking up early
[03:36] <Kile574> Nah, i just sleep untill 3pm.
[03:36] <Okamiden12> i do sleep late and wake early
[03:36] <KibaTheWolf> I sleep at 3AM almost everyday .-.
[03:36] <Okamiden12> i get up at 6:00am
[03:37] <Kile574> i CAN do that, but i dont.
[03:37] <Okamiden12> cuz i like to job hunt
[03:37] <KibaTheWolf> Wait, let me try something
[03:37] <KibaTheWolf> 
[03:37] <KibaTheWolf> (Kiba) 
[03:37] <Okamiden12> even though i'll never work...untill college
[03:37] <Okamiden12> (okam) 
[03:37] <Horsyqueen> its bad for u
[03:37] <KibaTheWolf> YAY I HAVE MY EMOTE
[03:37] <Kile574> HISSSSS The 'am' word 
[03:37] <Okamiden12> :) 
[03:37] <Okamiden12> oh shit
[03:37] <Rushontherun> i sleep all day and stay up all night lol
[03:37] <Okamiden12> that's my old one
[03:37] <Okamiden12> ~sigh~
[03:37] <Horsyqueen> like its bad for your brain
[03:37] <Okamiden12> yeh :|
[03:37] <Horsyqueen> thats if you have one though
[03:38] <KibaTheWolf> Wait, did we go from talking about the possibility of a new page to random emote spamming? XD
[03:38] <Rushontherun> lol
[03:38] <Kile574> yeah, looks like it ._.
[03:38] <Kile574> (nooo) 
[03:39] <Horsyqueen> 4.39 am
[03:39] <Horsyqueen> i wish my dad would wake up
[03:39] <KibaTheWolf> Why?
[03:39] <Horsyqueen> hes supposed to drive me to cornwall
[03:39] <Horsyqueen> i got him chocolate as well
[03:40] <Kile574> (silly3) 
[03:40] <Horsyqueen> its only a 4 hour drive
[03:40] <Kile574> Anyways i might as well get started on the page.
[03:40] <Kile574> And i started rewriting the tulpa page last year and never finished xD 
[03:41] <KibaTheWolf> Great! At least my idea didnt suck XD
[03:41] <Jonas.g> meow
[03:41] <Kile574> its a good idea, im glad you thought of it .
[03:41] <Kile574> wish eins would come back though >_>
[03:42] <Okamiden12> she don't luv u
[03:42] <Horsyqueen>
[03:42] <KibaTheWolf> I would love to help collecting more information for the Energy page, if its needed, btw
[03:42] <Kile574> XD
[03:42] <Okamiden12> also kile
[03:42] <Kile574> Ye?
[03:42] <Okamiden12> have u fixed the favicon
[03:42] <Kile574> No.
[03:42] <Okamiden12> :|
[03:42] <Kile574> I should probably do that >_>
[03:43] <Okamiden12> yeh
[03:43] <Kile574> I was just thinking about it .
[03:43] <Okamiden12> did u save the fixed image
[03:43] <Rushontherun>
[03:43] <KibaTheWolf> Favicon?
[03:43] <Okamiden12> ur mom
[03:43] <Kile574> yep
[03:43] <Rushontherun> that site has good info on different types of chi
[03:43] <Jonas.g>
[03:43] <Okamiden12> xD
[03:43] <Kile574> * Kile574 groans
[03:43] <Horsyqueen> no more energy segrigating
[03:43] <Horsyqueen> its all the same
[03:43] <Kile574> I hope we dont have to make a section for chi, psi, and so forth
[03:43] <KibaTheWolf> Whats favicon?
[03:43] <Kile574> That would be so annoying 
[03:44] <Horsyqueen> sometimes different cos of its location or how it is tranferred
[03:44] <Kile574> The little site thumbnail in your browser 
[03:44] <Horsyqueen> also chi nd like pranna is exactly the same thing
[03:45] <Kile574> * Kile574 summons eins 
[03:46] <Okamiden12> created by yours truly btw ;P
[03:46] <Kile574> Shut up oka >_>
[03:46] <Okamiden12> just being truthful
[03:46] <Kile574> You know thanks the truely every time i see the word truly spelled correctly i think its wrong.
[03:46] <Okamiden12> same
[03:46] <Okamiden12> XD
[03:46] <Kile574> Think we should do a vote to make him change his name .-.
[03:46] <Kile574> to Truly Unknown
[03:46] <Okamiden12> nah
[03:47] <Kile574> Yeh
[03:47] <Okamiden12> it hits the eye wrong
[03:47] <Okamiden12> XD
[03:47] <Kile574> So does your face :|
[03:47] <Okamiden12> so does ur dick Z:
[03:47] <Kile574> <>_<>
[03:47] <Horsyqueen> tutu wouldnt change his name
[03:47] <Horsyqueen> people have tried before
[03:47] <Okamiden12> u dont' wanna play this game with me <>.<>
[03:47] <Okamiden12> XD nah 
[03:47] <Horsyqueen> apparently its purposeful
[03:47] <Okamiden12> is it?
[03:47] <Okamiden12> well
[03:47] <Horsyqueen> well i think its he cant spell
[03:48] <Okamiden12> -cough- me too -cough-
[03:48] <Horsyqueen> and needs an escuse
[03:48] <Horsyqueen> *excuse
[03:48] <Kile574> omg it probably is lol
[03:48] <KibaTheWolf> Eins plays LoL?
[03:48] <Okamiden12> idk
[03:48] <Okamiden12> does she?
[03:49] <Rushontherun> I just realized that his name was spelt wrong lol
[03:49] <Horsyqueen> hes like "I am way too swag for spelling"
[03:49] <Rushontherun> lol
[03:49] <Horsyqueen> avin plays everything
[03:49] <Okamiden12> xD
[04:10] <Horsyqueen> *hugs everyone*
[04:10] <Okamiden12> have fun
[04:10] <Okamiden12> :) 
[04:10] <KibaTheWolf> HYIAAAAH, HYIAH
[04:10] <Horsyqueen> thanks
[04:10] <KibaTheWolf> Cya Horsy
[04:10] <Okamiden12> ima go to bed :3
[04:11] <KibaTheWolf> Cya Oka
[04:11] <Okamiden12> adieu
[04:11] <Okamiden12> and FU kile hehehehe
[04:11] <Kile574> Smooth.
[04:11] <KibaTheWolf> Kile
[04:11] <Kile574> Yes ?
[04:11] <KibaTheWolf> Are Eins and Eins the same person?
[04:11] <Kile574> EinsCatLog isnt a person, its a chat logger .
[04:12] <KibaTheWolf> Hes a what
[04:12] <Kile574> To which Eins and I have the password to.
[04:12] <Kile574> Everything you're saying is being recorded basically .
[04:13] <Kile574> And its all put into a file on the wiki (which i try not to distribute the link to)
[04:13] <Kile574> (for the sake of avoiding "well i read the logs and saw blahblahblah" situations )
[04:13] <Kile574> So einscatlog is basically an empty account that we use just for being on the chat, not to talk or do anything else .
[04:14] <Kile574> oh wow....
[04:14] <Kile574> its EinsCatLog
[04:14] <Kile574> wait.
[04:14] <Kile574> no duh i knew that, i read it wrong 
[04:14] <Kile574> my bad xD
[04:14] <Kile574> 'Sup Aslal ?
[04:14] <KibaTheWolf> Lol ok then
[04:15] <Kile574> (kiba) 
[04:15] <Kile574> ._.
[04:15] <KibaTheWolf> Hehe
[04:15] <KibaTheWolf> I love my emote
[04:16] <Kile574> Emotes are cool
[04:16] <KibaTheWolf> Wolf + epic face
[04:17] <HawkTech> [[Special:ListUsers]]
[04:17] <HawkTech> mark bots
[04:17] <HawkTech> youll see eins there
[04:18] <HawkTech> importScriptPage('User:Joeytje50/ChatLogger.js', 'runescape');
[04:18] <Kile574> i never updated the staff list 
[04:18] <Kile574> * Kile574 goes to do that 
[04:19] <KibaTheWolf> I just noticed something
[04:19] <KibaTheWolf> Wheres Walker of the Rain?
[04:19] <KibaTheWolf> Saadian?
[04:19] <KibaTheWolf> Stormmer?
[04:19] <Kile574> Saadian - missing 
[04:19] <KibaTheWolf> Wheres all the other people?!
[04:20] <Kile574> Walker - banned from the site 
[04:20] <Kile574> Stormmer never got on much in the first place 
[04:20] <KibaTheWolf> Why was he banned?
[04:20] <Kile574> You're an artifact of an ancient time Kiba. How does it feel ?
[04:20] <Kile574> He made a deal with truely to be unbanned. The conditions being that if he got into trouble again he would banned for a year.
[04:21] <Kile574> And he got into trouble again, and was banned for a year.
[04:21] <KibaTheWolf> It feels strange
[04:21] <KibaTheWolf> I dont recognixe no one now, and the ones that i do mostly dont talk
[04:21] <KibaTheWolf> recognize*
[04:22] <Kile574> Welcome to the feeling of being an older member .
[04:22] <KibaTheWolf> But i joined february of this year .-.
[04:23] <Kile574> Long ago enough for people to leave
[04:24] <Kile574> A lot of people actually...
[04:24] <KibaTheWolf> Yeah i noticed that
[04:24] <KibaTheWolf> Ive seen old people go away, ive seen members joing and leave, ive seen new mmbers being promoted, and ive seen old members being demoted
[04:25] <Rushontherun> I've been here almost a year but never went on chat until 3 days ago lol
[04:25] <KibaTheWolf> Lol XD
[04:25] <KibaTheWolf> I miss Lamia
[04:26] <KibaTheWolf> I miss lots of people actually
[04:26] <KibaTheWolf> DAMN I MISS EVERYONE
[04:27] <SuperKrill99> hi
[04:27] <Kile574> Your going to mod like Gac did, i can tell .-.
[04:27] <Kile574> You wanna know whats worse ?
[04:28] <KibaTheWolf> Gacsam?
[04:28] <KibaTheWolf> What did he do?
[04:28] <Kile574> yeah
[04:28] <Kile574> nothing he was just lenient 
[04:28] <Kile574> A really relaxed mod actually.
[04:28] <Kile574> thinking back it was kinda cool
[04:28] <Kile574> but occasionally he let things go too far.
[04:28] <Kile574> Meh
[04:28] <Kile574> anyways
[04:29] <Kile574> I have logs of some of the people that were from my generation on the wiki.
[04:29] <Kile574> Makes me feel super nostalgic .
[04:29] <KibaTheWolf> Lol that seems like me, but dont worry, ill do my best to not sit and watch shit happen
[04:30] <HawkTech> your log kile
[04:30] <HawkTech>
[04:30] <Kile574> log of what ?
[04:31] <HawkTech> everything
[04:31] <HawkTech> since you created your account
[04:31] <HawkTech> well except chat messages
[04:31] <HawkTech>
[04:31] <HawkTech> mine is full of bans
[04:32] <Kile574> Truely's banned me a couple of times and never mentions we were playing around ;-;
[04:32] <Kile574> brb, gonna make a sammich 
[04:33] <KibaTheWolf> Lol
[04:34] <HawkTech> dafuq
[04:34] <HawkTech> 500 pages
[04:34] <HawkTech> of log
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> I feel so clean : 
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 02:54, January 19, 2014 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 23:39, January 11, 2014 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 23:39, January 11, 2014 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 23:35, January 11, 2014 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 23:34, January 11, 2014 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 23:32, January 11, 2014 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 01:56, September 22, 2013 Wikia (wall | contribs) automatically marked revision 52908 of page User:XxDarkRavenxX patrolled
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 20:24, June 12, 2013 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) User avatar added or updated
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 20:19, June 12, 2013 XxDarkRavenxX (wall | contribs) created a user account
[04:35] <XxDarkRavenxX> 
[04:36] <HawkTech> lol kile
[04:36] <HawkTech> i already found the logs
[04:38] <Kile574> Okay
[04:38] <Kile574> Refrain from distributing the link if you dont mind.
[04:38] <Kile574> * Kile574 likes dipping his sandwiches in a glass of milk 
[04:39] <XxDarkRavenxX> But it's public XD ~ 
[04:39] <Kile574> Still.
[04:39] <HawkTech> oh
[04:39] <KibaTheWolf> I miss Someonewhowantstolearn, damn ill probably mention everyone i miss for a whole week
[04:39] <HawkTech> the last thing it sent was about you saying it wanst a person
[04:39] <Kile574> For the sake of avoiding situations like "well you said" blah blah blah 
[04:39] <HawkTech> *waiting for it to update*
[04:40] <Kile574> i know, it updates every.. maybe thirty minutes 
[04:40] <Kile574> you could post on their walls like i did you and see if they come back 
[04:40] <KibaTheWolf> I commented on her wall, she never answered
[04:42] <Kile574> how long ago ?
[04:43] <KibaTheWolf> I dont know, almost a month
[04:43] <Kile574> oh well you might be out of luck .-.
[04:44] <KibaTheWolf> Yup, exactly one month ago
[04:45] <HawkTech> t
[04:48] <Kile574> Hey Angilioth 
[04:49] <Angilioth> heyy
[04:49] <Angilioth> and just so you know you can call me Ang
[04:49] <Kile574> Life hack : Kill everyone except your crush so they're forced to focus on you
[04:49] <Angilioth> either way works
[04:49] <Kile574> Alrighty 
[04:50] <KibaTheWolf> Wait, was 608 banned?
[04:51] <Angilioth> hey rev
[04:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Kile :3
[04:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Ang :3
[04:51] <Kile574> Yes, yes he was.
[04:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Kiba :3
[04:51] <Kile574> untill... i think the end of this month.
[04:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Everyone else
[04:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Mhm
[04:51] <Kile574> He was banned for a couple of months .
[04:52] <KibaTheWolf> Why?
[04:52] <Kile574> cant remember exactly how long.
[04:52] <KibaTheWolf> And hey Rev XD
[04:52] <Kile574> He was incredibly rude to everyone .
[04:52] <Kile574> Like we had users asking us to ban him.
[04:52] <Rêveur of the Night> ^
[04:52] <KibaTheWolf> Damn i remember that
[04:53] <KibaTheWolf> "SHUT UP 608" "Arguing wont help solve your problems"
[04:53] <Kile574> oh wow. his chat ban ends on june 27th.
[04:53] <Kile574> but his block ends next year
[04:53] <Kile574> thats a bit of a problem.
[04:53] <KibaTheWolf> His block?
[04:53] <Rêveur of the Night> o.O
[04:54] <Rêveur of the Night> So he's effectively blocked till next year?
[04:54] <Rêveur of the Night> banned*
[04:55] <Kile574> i guess..
[04:56] <Kile574> i mean.. ill have to talk to truely about it.
[04:56] <KibaTheWolf> What a happy day XD
[04:56] <Kile574> ....i think truely went behind my back and changed it ..
[04:57] <KibaTheWolf> What?
[04:57] <Kile574> i set the block to end at the same time as his chat ban.
[04:57] <Kile574> I think truely changed it .
[04:57] <Kile574> I mean it says he did, the day after i did.
[04:57] <SuperKrill99> hi
[04:58] <Kile574> Hey
[04:58] <KibaTheWolf> So, Truely basically banned 608 for a year?
[04:58] <Kile574> maybe, maybe not.
[04:58] <Kile574> He and i were mixed up on the topic, easily confusing eachother .-.
[04:58] <Kile574> It may have been an accident, ill talk to him about it when he gets on .
[04:59] <KibaTheWolf> Sigh, did 608 at least stop ruining the main chat?
[04:59] <KibaTheWolf> Cause, yah know
[04:59] <Kile574> no.
[04:59] <Kile574> Thats why he was banned .-.
[04:59] <KibaTheWolf> Every day he was on there was AT LEAST 2 arguements
[05:00] <KibaTheWolf> And damnit
[05:00] <Kile574> that, insulting users, insulting staff.
[05:00] <Kile574> i mean look at this. all except three happened in one month [[Special:Log/chatban?page=User%3A608673|Special:Log/chatban?page=User:608673]]
[05:00] <Kile574> except two *
[05:01] <KibaTheWolf> Hehe, classic
[05:01] <KibaTheWolf> It was so cool to see him get banned (:D) 
[05:02] <Kile574> Thats so mean xD
[05:02] <Rushontherun> Are you guys gonna make the page on Energy i thank that would be cool
[05:02] <KibaTheWolf> ITS TRUE THO
[05:03] <Kile574> Yeah, we will.
[05:03] <Kile574> I'm debating layout right now .
[05:03] <KibaTheWolf> When i saw the phrase "608(random numbers) was banned from the chat", it was like freedom, finally being able to talk in the chat XD
[05:04] <Kile574> Seriously , he attacked anyone who spoke .
[05:04] <KibaTheWolf> Yeah i remember that
[05:04] <Kile574> By the way he isnt going to like you.
[05:04] <KibaTheWolf> Btw, how is the page going?
[05:04] <Kile574> Or rev.
[05:04] <Kile574> Not started yet :3
[05:04] <KibaTheWolf> I dont care
[05:04] <Kile574> have to get it all right in my head first 
[05:04] <KibaTheWolf> Lol ok then XD
[05:04] <KibaTheWolf> Can i help with the division of information?
[05:05] <KibaTheWolf> Like, a section for the different types of energy
[05:05] <Kile574> If he didnt change, your going to have to ban him at some point or kick him or something. Then hes going to be all moody 
[05:05] <Kile574> Actually thats one of the reasons i havent started yet .
[05:05] <KibaTheWolf> One for a brief description
[05:06] <KibaTheWolf> One for the clean and dirty part, in wich i dont have much knowledge of
[05:06] <Kile574> There are a lot of different beliefs about energy (qi qong, psi, chi, etx ) 
[05:06] <KibaTheWolf> I guess we can mention them somewhere, but the page should be about overall energy
[05:06] <KibaTheWolf> Not a single belief
[05:06] <Kile574> I dont think it would hurt to have a page about the different types of energy. 
[05:06] <Kile574> Yeah.
[05:06] <Kile574> But some of those beliefs clash with eachother .
[05:07] <Kile574> So its going to be a bit tricky .
[05:07] <Kile574> Not hard, just tricky .
[05:07] <KibaTheWolf> It can be quite confusing, actually
[05:08] <Kile574> i mean i might be able to. i can get the clean and dirty energy part, eins can get fill in the gaps of what i do and dont know, and then you if you want could put up the different types of energy.
[05:09] <Kile574> Thanks 
[05:09] <Kile574> Thanks 
[05:10] <KibaTheWolf> Kile PM
[05:12] <KibaTheWolf> Kile?
[05:13] <KibaTheWolf> Oh damn i need to go
[05:13] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[05:13] <Rêveur of the Night> Bye
[05:14] <Rushontherun> See ya
[05:17] <Aslal> Oh yeah, Kile.
[05:17] <Aslal> I found that Vine.
[05:18] <PsylockePsion3> hi
[05:18] <Rêveur of the Night> hi
[05:19] <PsylockePsion3> What's going on?
[05:19] <PsylockePsion3> hi
[05:20] <Rêveur of the Night> Hi Noxx
[05:23] <TheFiredude50> Hello.
[05:23] <Kile574> kiba le pm 
[05:24] <PsylockePsion3> hi
[05:26] <Rêveur of the Night> Kiba left
[05:26] <Rêveur of the Night> Dork
[05:26] <Rêveur of the Night> :P
[05:26] <TheFiredude50> Technically, calling someone a dork is a compliment...
[05:27] <TheFiredude50> Just sayin'...
[05:27] <Kile574> oh really ?
[05:27] <Kile574> Darn...
[05:27] <Rêveur of the Night> Hehehe
[05:27] <Kile574> time ta refresh 
[05:29] <Kile574> <>_<>
[05:29] <TheFiredude50> []_[]
[05:29] <Rêveur of the Night> Yeah, Eins definitely put an auto log in on that Cat 
[05:32] <TheFiredude50> I should bring some snakes into this plane...
[05:33] <HawkTech> reveur
[05:33] <HawkTech> why do you say that?
[05:34] <Rêveur of the Night> Oh
[05:35] <Rêveur of the Night> Okay
[05:35] <Rêveur of the Night> I gotcha
[05:36] <TheFiredude50> What...?
[05:36] <Rêveur of the Night> Eins
[05:36] <EinsVanCat> yes?
[05:36] <Rêveur of the Night> I ment, I was directing that at Eins
[05:36] <Rêveur of the Night> Sorry
[05:36] <HawkTech> reveur
[05:36] <HawkTech> this is the script
[05:36] <HawkTech>
[05:38] <HawkTech> looks like it updates every hour
[05:38] <HawkTech> even though
[05:38] <HawkTech> [05:22] <EinsVanCat> 30 minutes should be long enough for intervals of updates
[05:39] <EinsVanCat> mhm
[05:39] <EinsVanCat> But It didn't seem to catch the interval update
[05:36] <Rêveur of the Night> I ment, I was directing that at Eins
[05:36] <Rêveur of the Night> Sorry
[05:36] <HawkTech> reveur
[05:36] <HawkTech> this is the script
[05:36] <HawkTech>
[05:38] <HawkTech> looks like it updates every hour
[05:38] <HawkTech> even though
[05:38] <HawkTech> [05:22] <EinsVanCat> 30 minutes should be long enough for intervals of updates
[05:39] <EinsVanCat> mhm
[05:39] <EinsVanCat> But It didn't seem to catch the interval update
[05:40] <Angilioth> hmmmmm
[05:41] <Rêveur of the Night> Ah
[05:41] <Kile574> Why are you digging into the bot & logs so much ?
[05:43] <Rêveur of the Night> Hawk?
[05:43] <HawkTech> ?
[05:44] <HawkTech> im not
[05:44] <HawkTech> i just wanted to know where it was
[05:45] <HawkTech> im actually more interested in the script
[05:45] <Kile574> just thought it was weird that you were even looking into the submit intervals 
[05:47] <HawkTech> strange
[05:47] <HawkTech> it update in 30 minutes now
[05:48] <SuperKrill99> hi trolls
[05:48] <Kile574> I force updated it before eins started hosting it .
[05:48] <SuperKrill99> (troll) 
[05:48] <SuperKrill99> (troll) 
[05:48] <SuperKrill99> 
[05:48] <SuperKrill99> (troll) 
[05:48] <HawkTech> thought so
[05:48] <Rêveur of the Night> o.O 21st archivist
[05:48] <Rêveur of the Night> 21 starchivist
[05:48] <SuperKrill99> Im don
[05:48] <Kile574> Dont spam krill.
[05:48] <Rêveur of the Night> Krill, you know not to spam o_o
[05:49] <The21starchivist> *screams*
[05:49] <Angilioth> (pervert) 
[05:49] <The21starchivist> ang I don't find that smiley funny
[05:49] <The21starchivist> All I can say is FREAKER CREEPER!!
[05:50] <Angilioth> well i wast trying to make you laugh
[05:50] <SuperKrill99> is it normal in meditation to have vivid thoughts?
[05:50] <Rushontherun> (dance) 
[05:50] <SuperKrill99> Sometimes scary?
[05:50] <Rêveur of the Night> Say's the one who lives under my bed o_o
[05:50] <HawkTech> (tardis)
[05:50] <SuperKrill99> lol
[05:50] <HawkTech> dafuq
[05:50] <HawkTech> who took tardis away
[05:50] <The21starchivist> Black women make me laugh easily so why don't u go piss on off :3? 
[05:50] <Angilioth> lol what?
[05:50] <Rêveur of the Night> Archivist >.>
[05:51] <The21starchivist> I'm not trying to tracist its just how they flip out...
[05:51] <The21starchivist> I can't help it...
[05:51] <Rushontherun> lol
[05:51] <The21starchivist> I'm in a weird mood three Pepsi's and its 1:51am 
[05:52] <Rêveur of the Night> ooohhh east coast
[05:52] <The21starchivist> mmmmmmhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[05:53] <Rushontherun> im in east coast to
[05:53] <Angilioth> im in the middle
[05:53] <The21starchivist> Night I think ur on Skype
[05:54] <Rêveur of the Night> Probably
[05:54] <The21starchivist> Monkey in the middle 
[05:54] <Rêveur of the Night> I'm even more in the middle than Ang
[05:54] <The21starchivist> I think ur called die or something
[05:54] <Rêveur of the Night> o.O
[05:54] <Rêveur of the Night> No, not die
[05:54] <Rêveur of the Night> My username
[05:55] <The21starchivist> Eh idk
[05:56] <Rêveur of the Night> I think die is aradia
[05:56] <The21starchivist> Ah her
[05:57] <The21starchivist> Then who r u?
[05:57] <Rêveur of the Night> My username ._.
[05:57] <The21starchivist> Mum
[05:57] <The21starchivist> Mhm*
[05:58] <The21starchivist> Dam auto correct can burn in a white hell DX
[05:58] <Angilioth> lol
[05:59] <Angilioth> his skype name is his user name here
[05:59] <The21starchivist> Oh....
[05:59] <Rêveur of the Night> Yeah..
[05:59] <The21starchivist> I feel like an idiot....
[06:00] <Rêveur of the Night> It's okay (bounce) 
[06:00] <The21starchivist> Duuuuuuurrr hur hur hur hur
[06:00] <Aslal> The21starchivist, how would you know Die?
[06:00] <Aslal> Just curious
[06:00] <Angilioth> very few people actually now me here
[06:01] <The21starchivist> I don't
[06:01] <Aslal> Then why would you have her on Skype? xD
[06:01] <The21starchivist> She ignores all my attempts to talk to her
[06:01] <Aslal> And how would she know you?
[06:01] <Aslal> I doubt she'd randomly talk to a random person
[06:01] <The21starchivist> She reminds me of a stitched puppet .,_.
[06:02] <HawkTech> l
[06:03] <Aslal> Can't be all "Hurr durr howdy neighbour!"
[06:03] <HawkTech>
[06:03] <Rêveur of the Night> She talked to me randomly o.O And enjoyed it
[06:04] <Angilioth> lol
[06:04] <The21starchivist> Meh might be because I was stuck in a lot of illusions and my energy was black
[06:05] <The21starchivist> Idk
[06:05] <The21starchivist> But have been Athria's doing ._.
[06:06] <Aslal> Who's Athria?
[06:07] <Rêveur of the Night> Lol
[06:07] <The21starchivist> Best u don't ever talk to her shges over touchy and takes every other thing u say as an inbsult ._.
[06:08] <Angilioth> lol
[06:08] <Angilioth> well not to that extent but yeah she is kinda moody
[06:08] <Aslal> She'd hate to meet me then.
[06:10] <The21starchivist> Angi u have her go bitch mode on u
[06:10] <The21starchivist> Haven't had*
[06:10] <Angilioth> nope but iv seen her do it
[06:11] <The21starchivist> Then don't say not to that extent 
[06:11] <The21starchivist> And she deserved the turtlke lkady comment -.-**
[06:12] <Rêveur of the Night> o.O
[06:12] <The21starchivist> She hides a retreats into herself all the time
[06:13] <The21starchivist> If it wasn't for my friends help my energy wouldn't be silver again X3
[06:14] <The21starchivist> She has backed up negative energy not as bad as me but enough to put her indefinatley on her mnenstral cycle
[06:16] <Eris Discordia> Good day
[06:16] <Angilioth> ello
[06:16] <The21starchivist> Heyo cappuccino!!
[06:16] <DarkNoxx> ._.
[06:17] <The21starchivist> o,..o
[06:17] <Aslal> Wait.
[06:17] <Aslal> Is Athria supposed to be Samjoko's daughter or something?
[06:18] <Angilioth> something like that
[06:18] <The21starchivist> Last time I checked their now "together"
[06:18] <Aslal> Together?
[06:18] <DarkNoxx> Lol
[06:18] <Aslal> That's basically incest then.
[06:19] <Aslal> Are we going to be making a remake of Antigone, or Greek Mythology?
[06:19] <Aslal> "Hello, my great-grandniece/grandniece/granddaughter"
[06:19] <The21starchivist> I don't talk to Sam hardly he rubs me the wrong way and Athria used to be my foster mother in one life but then I killed her of something eris did and shges on this chgat and I'm getting a head ache
[06:19] <The21starchivist> Honbestly I think she's g
[06:19] <Rêveur of the Night> *sigh*
[06:20] <Eris Discordia> um? have I missed anything?
[06:20] <The21starchivist> Coo coo
[06:20] <DarkNoxx> Yes, your nap time lol. jk. hi.
[06:20] <The21starchivist> I have no idea ._.
[06:20] <Rêveur of the Night> I suppose I'm the only one here who know enough about that to actually make a good judgement on it
[06:20] <The21starchivist> I think Athria needs a bitch slap with heavy doses of shut the hell up and reality
[06:21] <DarkNoxx> LOL 
[06:21] <The21starchivist> I'm gonna shut up before I enbet rant mode DX
[06:21] <Rêveur of the Night> Good idea
[06:21] <DarkNoxx> * DarkNoxx rants to the wall
[06:22] <Eris Discordia> * Eris Discordia retreats peacefully
[06:22] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[06:23] <The21starchivist> We'll I'm bored
[06:23] <Aslal> So, how's Mysto doing?
[06:24] <The21starchivist> Mysti?..
[06:24] <The21starchivist> Mysti?
[06:24] <The21starchivist> Mysto?...
[06:24] <Aslal> Mystogan, Siddhartha, Metharom, Aether Silverlight, Ezio
[06:25] <Aslal> And any of the other names he's used.
[06:25] <The21starchivist> Damn Whittier than new York sewers spawn from Satan's ass and gods perverted thoughts auto correct
[06:25] <Stormmer> Hi there
[06:25] <The21starchivist> Shittier*
[06:26] <Eris Discordia> good day
[06:26] <Kile574> Rev. When they come back watch them. Closely .
[06:26] <Kile574> Brb.
[06:26] <The21starchivist> Fine I won't cuss shgeesh..
[06:27] <I--DarkGod--I> anyone do telekinesis?
[06:27] <I--DarkGod--I> ;_:
[06:27] <The21starchivist> Not my cup of tea
[06:27] <Rêveur of the Night> Hm
[06:28] <DarkNoxx> furryforce
[06:28] <DarkNyxx> or nah
[06:28] <DarkNoxx> Lol
[06:28] <DarkNyxx> Such similar names
[06:28] <DarkNoxx> I robbed you 
[06:28] <DarkNyxx> This can't even be a coincidence. We were meant to meet.
[06:29] <DarkNoxx> Lol
[06:29] <DarkNyxx> .-.
[06:29] <DarkNoxx> ._.
[06:30] <I--DarkGod--I> ..
[06:31] <DarkNyxx> So...
[06:31] <DarkNoxx> ...oS
[06:32] <Rêveur of the Night> Noxx, you shouldn't do the opposite. You're letter's higher o_o
[06:32] <EinsVanCat> .-.
[06:32] <DarkNoxx> wut lol
[06:32] <EinsVanCat> Oooook then.
[06:35] <Kile574> * Kile574 yanws 
[06:35] <Kile574> ._.
[06:35] <Kile574> yawns *
[06:35] <Kile574> So whats up everyone ?
[06:35] <DarkNoxx> Skyping friends.
[06:35] <Rêveur of the Night> Being bored and watching the chat like a hawk as asked
[06:37] <I--DarkGod--I> REVEUR
[06:37] <I--DarkGod--I> Y U NO RESPOND.
[06:37] <The21starchivist> Asal metha is a bridge troll last time I checked aethger not sure if IK ezio same thing Mysti same thing so sane thing
[06:37] <PsylockePsion3> why don't you type out "why" and "you"
[06:38] <DarkNoxx> Mysti...pokemon! =o
[06:38] <I--DarkGod--I> Because it's a meme
[06:38] <I--DarkGod--I> .-.
[06:38] <The21starchivist> They have pretty muchged shunned me ._.
[06:38] <DarkNoxx> o_o
[06:38] <DarkNoxx> Lol
[06:38] <PsylockePsion3> Then save it for pictures
[06:39] <The21starchivist> The only ones I talk to on there are my best friend I think he has an account on here but idk the user 
[06:40] <DarkNoxx> :3
[06:40] <The21starchivist> Van cat and harry who is a douche/ ghay playboy 
[06:40] <Rêveur of the Night> *coughs* Warning
[06:40] <DarkNoxx> "ghay playboy"
[06:41] <EinsVanCat> ehm..
[06:41] <I--DarkGod--I> ...
[06:41] <EinsVanCat> yeah
[06:41] <EinsVanCat> gj reveur
[06:41] <Rêveur of the Night> ._.
[06:41] <The21starchivist> I'm not being inappropriate he has acted like that in the past
[06:41] <DarkNyxx> I dont even know what's going on
[06:41] <DarkNoxx> .-.
[06:41] <EinsVanCat> no, its inappropriate, truth or not its still inappropriate.. lol
[06:41] <The21starchivist> I'm stating a fact not an insult
[06:42] <I--DarkGod--I> reveurrr
[06:42] <I--DarkGod--I> pmmm
[06:42] <EinsVanCat> yeah, we all know he likes guys, no need to go on about it lol xD
[06:42] <Rêveur of the Night> Lol
[06:42] <DarkNoxx> :3
[06:43] <I--DarkGod--I> Vans is gay?
[06:43] <EinsVanCat> Not me
[06:43] <EinsVanCat> Harry
[06:43] <The21starchivist> He was messing around with three at once and claimed them all to be twin flames 
[06:43] <DarkNoxx> Why are you gossiping.
[06:43] <The21starchivist> I think even more before that all in the astral
[06:43] <EinsVanCat> Someone else that keph kinda doesnt seem to like much anymore.. well.. for obvious reasons..
[06:43] <DarkNoxx> like isnt that not your business to be giving out lol
[06:43] <Rêveur of the Night> You know talking about people behind their back is rude ._.
[06:44] <The21starchivist> NOx I would say something about him but I'll get kicked
[06:44] <EinsVanCat> Indeed it is, even if you were to ask him and he would tell you the same thing, its still kinda rude lol.
[06:44] <Rêveur of the Night> Then don't say iy
[06:44] <DarkNoxx> Tsk tsk,
[06:44] <Rêveur of the Night> it*
[06:44] <The21starchivist> Don't plan on it ._.
[06:46] <Rêveur of the Night> Good ._.
[06:46] <The21starchivist> I'm just in grumpy cat mode I'll be better after I'm off my man period 
[06:47] <The21starchivist> ._.
[06:47] <EinsVanCat> *snicker(
[06:47] <Rêveur of the Night> o.o
[06:47] <Rêveur of the Night> *kitkat*
[06:48] <The21starchivist> BTW cjgamerx is my friends user
[06:48] <Rêveur of the Night> Mmm
[06:48] <Rêveur of the Night> Of course
[06:49] <The21starchivist> Know him in RL
[06:49] <I--DarkGod--I> .
[06:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Wow
[06:51] <The21starchivist> Did I do that?.....
[06:52] <Rêveur of the Night> xD
[06:52] <The21starchivist> I'll just go....
[06:52] <Rêveur of the Night> What?
[06:52] <The21starchivist> v, v
[06:52] <Rêveur of the Night> That was the most epic simultaneous exit I've seen 
[06:59] <Rêveur of the Night> I need to take a 15 minute nap o_o
[06:59] <Rêveur of the Night> *pokes Kile* And you sir, need someone to hug you
[07:03] <EinsVanCat> Fuckin chat crashes lol
[07:03] <Kile574> MID SENTENCE 
[07:03] <Kile574> he left mid sentence 
[07:04] <EinsVanCat> I would have been asking who heres sparred before but then chat broke.
[07:04] <Rêveur of the Night> o.O Lmao
[07:04] <EinsVanCat> Now nobody is on so
[07:06] <I--DarkGod--I> is there anything anyone can teach me
[07:06] <I--DarkGod--I> .-.
[07:06] <EinsVanCat> Idk, what do you know about dark?
[07:07] <I--DarkGod--I> anything that someone can teach me efficiently
[07:07] <I--DarkGod--I> ;-;
[07:07] <EinsVanCat> .___.
[07:10] <Kile574> #1. How to breathe 
[07:10] <Kile574> #2. Sit there
[07:10] <Kile574> #3. collapse 
[07:10] <Rushontherun> lol
[07:10] <Kile574> #4. by default your body will force you to breathe to survive while unconscious 
[07:10] <Kile574> #5. Relish in your victory .
[07:10] <Rêveur of the Night> Lol
[07:10] <Rushontherun> (dance) 
[07:11] <I--DarkGod--I> lol
[07:11] <EinsVanCat> Kiles Wisdom Knows No Bounds.
[07:12] <Rêveur of the Night> You forgot something inportant
[07:12] <Rêveur of the Night> Collapse again while celebrating o_o
[07:12] <Kile574> xD
[07:12] <Kile574> Woo hoo..o..o... -thud-
[07:13] <Rêveur of the Night> Heheh
[07:13] <EinsVanCat> How to think
[07:13] <EinsVanCat> Step 1: Read this post
[07:13] <EinsVanCat> 
[07:13] <EinsVanCat> Congratulations you've just had a thought.
[07:13] <Rêveur of the Night> Hmm...
[07:13] <Rêveur of the Night> what?
[07:13] <EinsVanCat> Albeit a very primitive thought.
[07:13] <Rêveur of the Night> XD
[07:15] <Rêveur of the Night> How to Exist
[07:15] <Rêveur of the Night> Step 1: Congrats, you exist
[07:15] <Rêveur of the Night> Repeat
[07:15] <Kile574> Guys we are like such good teachers 
[07:15] <Kile574> We should start a school
[07:15] <EinsVanCat> haha
[07:16] <EinsVanCat> School for Mentally Inert Humans
[07:16] <I--DarkGod--I> sigh .-.
[07:18] <Kile574> XD
[07:18] <Kile574> CONGRADULATIONS !
[07:18] <Kile574> He breathed !
[07:18] <Kile574> We're making such progress in so little time (epic) 
[07:19] <Rêveur of the Night> After all
[07:20] <Rêveur of the Night> You're not expected to know how to breath until 6th grade
[07:24] <Kile574> ;-; im so proud 
[07:25] <Kile574> We're jerks XD
[07:25] <EinsVanCat> Well
[07:26] <EinsVanCat> He never replied when I asked him what he knew already.
[07:26] <EinsVanCat> Pretty hard to teach someone if you dont know what they need to learn
[07:26] <Rêveur of the Night> I talked to him/her in pm
[07:26] <Kile574> easy.
[07:26] <Rêveur of the Night> So meh
[07:26] <Kile574> EVERYTHING.
[07:26] <Rêveur of the Night> ._.
[07:26] <Rêveur of the Night> (kick) \
[07:27] <Kile574> Hey... hey rev... try to kick me 
[07:27] <Rêveur of the Night> <_> We both know that's not possible
[07:27] <Kile574> X3
[07:27] <Kile574> I tried to kick admins so much when i was a chatmod 
[07:28] <Kile574> just to see if i could
[07:28] <EinsVanCat> *kicks kile magically*
[07:28] <Rêveur of the Night> *kicks Kile with a cursed teddy bear with a knife*
[07:30] <Rêveur of the Night> o_o
[07:30] <EinsVanCat> hum?
[07:31] <Rêveur of the Night> Hitori
[07:31] <Rêveur of the Night> Kakurenbo
[07:31] <Rêveur of the Night> *Please don't leave*
[07:31] <Kile574> <>_<>
[07:32] <Kile574> nnnng.. i have to do the dishes...
[07:32] <Rêveur of the Night> Love you :3
[07:32] <Kile574> then do the dishes for me .-.
[07:32] <EinsVanCat> But they're all made of wood!
[07:33] <Kile574> then scrub them <>_<>
[07:33] <HawkTech> avin
[07:33] <EinsVanCat> what tech.
[07:34] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[07:34] <HawkTech> how many minutes do you want the bot to wait before updating?
[07:34] <EinsVanCat> 30 is good
[07:34] <Rêveur of the Night> I would, but I can't go to your house et
[07:34] <EinsVanCat> It rarely dces as it is
[07:39] <Rêveur of the Night> Love the pic on it though
[07:39] <EinsVanCat> :3
[07:40] <Rêveur of the Night> Speaking of which
[07:41] <Rêveur of the Night> Who is your profile picture of?
[07:41] <EinsVanCat> Mine?
[07:41] <EinsVanCat> Its me, I used an anime avatar creator to make it.
[07:41] <Angilioth> oooo nice
[07:41] <Rêveur of the Night> Ah
[07:41] <Rêveur of the Night> It's really nice
[07:43] <EinsVanCat> Its me in my "Business" Outfit
[07:43] <EinsVanCat> The one on skype is more leisure
[07:43] <Kile574> thats awesome o.o
[07:44] <Kile574> You should tell me the name of the generator 
[07:44] <Kile574> Because its hands down amazing .
[07:44] <EinsVanCat> I dont want everyone using the same generator.. lol
[07:44] <HawkTech> avin
[07:44] <EinsVanCat> yes?
[07:44] <HawkTech> i just saw the global
[07:44] <HawkTech> you forgot to capitalize the I
[07:44] <HawkTech> i
[07:45] <HawkTech> Interval
[07:45] <EinsVanCat> Oh, thats all? lol
[07:45] <EinsVanCat> lol
[07:45] <EinsVanCat> thats on the other guy since I just copied it
[07:45] <Rêveur of the Night> Lo
[07:45] <Rêveur of the Night> lol*
[07:45] <Angilioth> lol
[07:46] <HawkTech> other guy?
[07:46] <EinsVanCat> the one who wrote the script
[07:46] <HawkTech> in the script it is var logInterval = logInterval?logInterval:1800000;
[07:47] <HawkTech> its not 180
[07:47] <HawkTech> i edited it
[07:47] <HawkTech> but its like that
[07:47] <EinsVanCat> ?
[07:47] <HawkTech> you see it tries the logInterval
[07:47] <EinsVanCat> the 1800000 is in milliseconds
[07:47] <HawkTech> so since its loginterval
[07:47] <HawkTech> it wont get it
[07:47] <EinsVanCat> And I changed the i to an I
[07:47] <EinsVanCat> so it should work
[07:48] <HawkTech> may only work tomorrow
[07:48] <HawkTech> because these scripts take their time to update
[07:48] <HawkTech> like when i imported chathacks
[07:48] <EinsVanCat> thats fine
[07:48] <HawkTech> only appeared when i restarted the computer
[07:49] <Angilioth> i miss chat hacks
[07:49] <HawkTech> what do you mean?
[07:49] <HawkTech> they dont work anymore?
[07:49] <Angilioth> well not for me
[07:49] <Kile574> hnnng..
[07:49] <Kile574> need to tell the new chatmods about chathacks 
[07:49] <HawkTech> oh
[07:49] <HawkTech> neither for me right now
[07:49] <Kile574> need to give them the code too -_-
[07:50] <HawkTech> but its because im not acessing the chat as i should
[07:50] <Angilioth> well three are here
[07:50] <HawkTech> im just opening a new tab
[07:50] <EinsVanCat> Im not a new chat mod. lol
[07:50] <EinsVanCat> and kile is an admin
[07:50] <EinsVanCat> only new chat mod here atm is reveur
[07:51] <Angilioth> oh i didnt read it as new mods
[07:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Well
[07:51] <Rêveur of the Night> Kinda
[07:51] <EinsVanCat> Im going to go, Im realllly tired
[07:52] <Angilioth> ok well cya
[07:52] <Rêveur of the Night> Found that avatar creator o.O
[07:52] <Kile574> link me ._.
[07:52] <Rêveur of the Night> I'm not gonna tell anyone :3
[07:52] <Kile574> * Kile574 shoots flames 
[07:53] <Rêveur of the Night> (explosion) 
[07:53] <Rêveur of the Night> As you said that
[07:53] <Rêveur of the Night> A comercial on another tab started shooting
[07:53] <Rêveur of the Night> Ghost Recon comercial XD
[07:54] <Rêveur of the Night> commercial* 
[07:54] <HawkTech> 1nd of all
[07:55] <HawkTech> im not a troll
[07:55] <HawkTech> 2st
[07:55] <HawkTech> dont call me a troll
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> It's rather easy to find if you know how
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> 
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> Just saying ._.
[07:55] <HawkTech> 3th
[07:55] <HawkTech> dont say that
[07:55] <HawkTech> 4rd you got it
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> 3th?
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> 4rd?
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> 1nd?
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> 2st?
[07:55] <Rêveur of the Night> Xd
[07:56] <Rêveur of the Night> XD
[07:57] <Angilioth> welcome back
[07:57] <Rêveur of the Night> Welcome back
[07:58] <Rêveur of the Night> Btw
[07:58] <Rêveur of the Night> The people who left
[07:58] <Rêveur of the Night> Their chat crashed
[07:58] <The21starchivist> Death shall come
[07:58] <Rêveur of the Night> o-o
[07:58] <Rêveur of the Night> Always
[07:59] <The21starchivist> And death shall server the ground will weep crimson iqour as our hearts fall into the black the prophets quil shall break
[08:00] <The21starchivist> Nine factions must be lost to be made whole and time shall be lost to ignorance and age
[08:01] <The21starchivist> The fates decree the end of days and sanction the new world
[08:02] <Rêveur of the Night> o-O
[08:03] <Angilioth> i dont really know the color of my energy it changes to often
[08:04] <Rêveur of the Night> randomness
[08:05] <Rêveur of the Night> DEJA VU
[08:06] <Rushontherun> Lol i can see my energy but not the color
[08:09] <Rêveur of the Night> I saw this exact moment a few weeks ago in a dream O_O
[08:12] <Angilioth> lol wooooooo
[08:15] <Rushontherun> Clairvoyance? (dance) 
[08:15] <Rêveur of the Night> o_o Lol
[08:19] <Angilioth> (ninja2) 
[08:19] <Rushontherun> (pervert) oh yes whats that one
[08:20] <Rêveur of the Night> (kill)
[08:20] <Rêveur of the Night> (death)
[08:20] <Rêveur of the Night> (rip
[08:20] <Rêveur of the Night> (rip) 
[08:20] <Angilioth> (deadchat) 
[08:21] <Rêveur of the Night> (omg) 
[08:21] <Angilioth> (bounce) 
[08:22] <Rêveur of the Night> (kiba) 
[08:22] <Rêveur of the Night> (kile) Appezing de admin
[08:22] <Angilioth> lol
[08:23] <Rushontherun> (santaclaus)
[08:23] <Rushontherun> It didnt work lol
[08:23] <Angilioth> lol
[08:26] <Rêveur of the Night> (blush5) 
[08:27] <Rushontherun>
[08:29] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[08:31] <Rushontherun> (mew) 
[08:34] <Rêveur of the Night> We need a topic
[08:47] <Rêveur of the Night>
[08:49] <Rushontherun> I cannot unsee what i just saw lol
[08:50] <Rêveur of the Night> Lmao
[08:50] <Rêveur of the Night> Nope
[08:52] <Rushontherun>
[08:52] <Rushontherun> lol
[08:54] <Rêveur of the Night> what... o.o
[08:54] <Rushontherun> lmao
[08:55] <Rushontherun>
[08:58] <Rêveur of the Night>
[08:58] <Rêveur of the Night> Ahmedrashwan. Watch this ^
[09:04] <Rushontherun> the video scared him for life
[09:06] <Ahmedrashwan> Okay
[09:06] <Ahmedrashwan> Hey DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE
[09:06] <Ahmedrashwan> U BECOME ADMIN?....U HAVE STAR?
[09:06] <Rêveur of the Night> Lol
[09:07] <Rêveur of the Night> Mod
[09:07] <Rêveur of the Night> Not admin
[09:10] <Ahmedrashwan> What the hell?
[09:12] <Rêveur of the Night> Hm?
[09:12] <Ahmedrashwan> That video like video game when bugs and crashs in game
[09:14] <Rêveur of the Night> XD Yup
[09:15] <Ahmedrashwan> What this video mean
[09:15] <Ahmedrashwan> ?
[09:15] <Rushontherun>
[09:16] <Ahmedrashwan> About what...normal life?
[09:19] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[09:21] <Angilioth> hmmmm
[09:22] <Rêveur of the Night> Ang
[09:22] <Angilioth> yes
[09:22] <Rêveur of the Night> Skype
[09:25] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[09:27] <Ahmedrashwan> ...
[09:29] <Angilioth> lol nice
[09:30] <Ahmedrashwan> I like turtles
[09:30] <Rushontherun> lol
[09:31] <Ahmedrashwan> Smash smash and boooooooom I was like ohhhhhhhhhh XD
[09:31] <Rêveur of the Night> Lol
[09:31] <Ahmedrashwan> And then there was fu***n man come on fu*** me
[09:31] <Ahmedrashwan> And the bam
[09:32] <Rushontherun> this is the smash guy
[09:32] <Ahmedrashwan> In his face
[09:41] <Ahmedrashwan> .....
[09:41] <Ahmedrashwan> Heart breaking
[09:42] <Ahmedrashwan> Fast
[09:42] <Rêveur of the Night> Why?
[09:44] <Ahmedrashwan> See this vid
[09:44] <Ahmedrashwan> It's actually in arbic..but I want u to foucse in actions
[09:44] <Ahmedrashwan>
[09:44] <Ahmedrashwan> XD
[09:48] <Rêveur of the Night> o.O
[09:49] <Ahmedrashwan> What
[09:49] <Ahmedrashwan> ?
[09:50] <Ahmedrashwan> ...
[09:52] <Ahmedrashwan> *remain silent*
[09:55] <Ahmedrashwan> funny moments
[09:55] <Ahmedrashwan>
[10:00] <Rêveur of the Night> lol
[01:40] <Temp321> heyo
[02:05] <Overlorg> ....
[02:06] <Jaacob> hey lorg, long time no see
[02:07] <Jaacob> okay ._.
[02:16] <Jaacob> hello
[02:20] <Maskedmoon> Hello
[02:20] <Maskedmoon> How are you?
[02:20] <Maskedmoon> 
[02:21] <Jaacob> I'm great, thanks. how about you?
[02:22] <Maskedmoon> Im good, thanks
[02:24] <Jaacob> that's good
[02:44] <Hyperbeing> hi
[02:44] <Maskedmoon> Hello
[02:44] <Maskedmoon> How are you?
[02:44] <Maskedmoon> 
[02:45] <Hyperbeing> im ok and you
[02:47] <Maskedmoon> im good, thanks
[02:50] <Hyperbeing> so what are you up to
[02:51] <Hyperbeing> brb
[03:12] <ImAMonkey> Hello
[03:30] <Ahmedrashwan> Hi
[05:10] <VeilOfReality> Hello
[05:10] <Aslal> Hello Veil
[05:11] <Maskedmoon> Hello everyone
[05:13] <Aslal> Hello Moon.
[05:15] <Maskedmoon> Greetings aslal
[05:15] <Maskedmoon> How are you my friend?
[05:15] <Maskedmoon> I gtg in a while to a drawing calss
[05:15] <Maskedmoon> Class
[05:17] <Aslal> I'm good.
[05:17] <Maskedmoon> Great to hear
[05:18] <Maskedmoon> So, anything you wanna talk bout?
[05:18] <Maskedmoon> you come up with good topics
[05:21] <Aslal> No
[05:37] <Maskedmoon> I gtg
[05:37] <Maskedmoon> bye guys
[05:41] <Temp321> hai kiba
[05:41] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Mip
[05:42] <Temp321> wassup
[05:43] <KibaTheWolf> Trying to conect to LoL, the BR server isnt working :/
[05:49] <KibaTheWolf> Yay it connected
[05:53] <Temp321> cool
[06:05] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Lesami
[06:05] <Lesami> hello
[06:07] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Xe
[06:07] <XeRhyme> Hey guys
[06:07] <Aslal> Hello Super
[06:07] <XeRhyme> Hey Aslal
[06:09] <XeRhyme> Hows everyone doing?
[06:09] <XeRhyme> 
[06:09] <Aslal> I'm doing well
[06:10] <KibaTheWolf> Me too
[06:11] <XeRhyme> Everyone got summer over here?Or naw?
[06:13] <XeRhyme> Hey Eins
[06:14] <EinsVanCat> Hey
[06:20] <Lesami> i spoke to some mormons today
[06:27] <Ahmedrashwan> Hi
[06:28] <Lesami> hello
[06:30] <Ahmedrashwan> Mormons are Christians right lesmi?
[06:31] <Ahmedrashwan> ...
[06:32] <Lesami> a branch of christianity yes
[06:32] <VeilOfReality> Aren't they more religious?
[06:32] <Lesami> not exactly no, its just another church, thats all 
[06:32] <Lesami> they are very lgbt accepting
[06:33] <Ahmedrashwan> What is ur religion?
[06:33] <Lesami> i am a witch
[06:34] <Ahmedrashwan> Witch??? that religion
[06:34] <Ahmedrashwan> ?
[06:35] <Lesami> witch is my title, european witchcraft is based upon pagan teachings, these teachings make up foundries fort many religions indirectly, wicca, a pagan religion, is what i follow, i choose to use the term witch
[06:37] <Ahmedrashwan> Are there schools for these in England?
[06:38] <Ahmedrashwan> ..
[06:38] <Lesami> as in schools that focus upon pagan and wiccan religion? no, i wouldnt say so, most schools yhere focus asround abrihimic, far eastern or indian religion, the most common being catholic, protestent and mormon christian schools, wica is learnt induvidually, 
[06:40] <Ahmedrashwan> Hi temp
[06:40] <698344> Hello 
[06:40] <Ahmedrashwan> Hi
[06:41] <Temp321> hey
[06:41] <Lesami> magic plays a major part in wicca
[06:42] <Ahmedrashwan> Can we talk about our abilities?
[06:42] <698344> Lol 
[06:42] <698344> I always find it funny when people ask that, witch is a title as Les says
[06:43] <Ahmedrashwan> ....
[06:43] <698344> My abilities ehhh well I can use summoning,rituals, n basic spells
[06:43] <698344> But it's been awhile so im a little rusty
[06:43] <698344> Oh and runes
[06:44] <Ahmedrashwan> what..demons???
[06:44] <698344> At the moment im trying to learn divination
[06:44] <698344> And yes , I can but I don't mess demons no more
[06:44] <Lesami> healing, banishment, protection, concealing spells, exorcism, sumoning, enchanting items, empowering the body, 
[06:44] <698344> Talented as always I see
[06:45] <Ahmedrashwan> Sooo..ur abilities are magic and spells
[06:45] <698344> Drash if we become friends I ll tell u something else really cool I can do :-)
[06:45] <698344> Yup pretty much
[06:45] <Ahmedrashwan> Say duuuuude?
[06:46] <698344> Duuuuude?
[06:46] <Ahmedrashwan> LOL
[06:46] <698344> I forgot sealing 
[06:46] <Ahmedrashwan> I always say that
[06:46] <698344> But I can make barriers
[06:47] <698344> N im experienced in poison combat n weaponry
[06:48] <Lesami> i prefer to avoid combat if i can, 
[06:48] <Ahmedrashwan> abilities are with psi is for fighting combat
[06:48] <Ahmedrashwan> Like jing
[06:48] <Ahmedrashwan> Generate
[06:48] <Lesami> jing, is not a real term
[06:48] <Ahmedrashwan> And shild
[06:48] <Ahmedrashwan> I know
[06:48] <Ahmedrashwan> It's chi in his fact
[06:48] <698344> It's just a small essence of energy
[06:49] <Ahmedrashwan> And pain healing
[06:49] <698344> Wat makes it physical or so my sources say
[06:49] <Ahmedrashwan> And energy control 
[06:49] <VeilOfReality> I'm bacl.
[06:49] <Lesami> no, jing, is in fact, nothing more than dense energhy, that people take a perception of it being physical, it really isnt, 
[06:49] <698344> Ahh, so it's just dense energy, 
[06:50] <Ahmedrashwan> Yes
[06:50] <698344> Seems like I can always trust you for info
[06:50] <698344> Monkey-chan!!!!!!!!
[06:50] <Lesami> jing as a word means after, to warp, to progress to move through, it has nothing to do with energy
[06:50] <698344> I see
[06:50] <Ahmedrashwan> No
[06:50] <Ahmedrashwan> I mean
[06:50] <ImAMonkey> Monkey-chan? xD
[06:51] <698344> Ya
[06:51] <Ahmedrashwan> There is another mean for it
[06:51] <ImAMonkey> Marhabah 69~
[06:51] <698344> Drash u hav to get scaned bro we might be KIN
[06:51] <Ahmedrashwan> In Japanese...jing mean power
[06:52] <ImAMonkey> Having a non-human soul isn't something you want to get too excited about.
[06:52] <Lesami> ahmed, no, it dosenyt
[06:52] <698344> Lol lol baka
[06:52] <698344> Gomen 
[06:52] <ImAMonkey> Wait who is dat I see on teh chat list
[06:53] <EinsVanCat> .____.
[06:53] <ImAMonkey> Sophie
[06:53] <EinsVanCat> Wtf was with that kin thing..
[06:53] <698344> Eins!!!!
[06:53] <ImAMonkey> Hey Einssssssss
[06:53] <698344> U 
[06:53] <ImAMonkey> And Kiba is a chat mod 
[06:53] <698344> Uhhh nothing
[06:53] <ImAMonkey> How long have I been gone xD
[06:53] <EinsVanCat> 3 days monkey?
[06:53] <ImAMonkey> I was on this morning
[06:54] <ImAMonkey> When no one else was on but your bot
[06:54] <698344> Ichiban
[06:54] <698344> Itadakimasu
[06:54] <ImAMonkey> Ichiban no Takaromono
[06:54] <ImAMonkey> My Most Precious treasure~
[06:54] <698344> Woah woah fighting powa!!!
[06:55] <698344> Sento sento taishi, 
[06:55] <Lesami> the japanese word for power is pawa, dengen, denryoku, chikara, and shutsuryoku
[06:55] <Ahmedrashwan> Abilities I training on it 1-dragonfyre 2-elctoK 3-blinking chornokiness 3-pain and death touch 4-exo mental 5-cosmic energy 6-Buddhist breath 7-puppet technique
[06:55] <698344> Rastvitali yabloni I grushi
[06:55] <ImAMonkey> Les, do you speak Japanese?
[06:55] <Ahmedrashwan> And jing also mean that too
[06:55] <698344> Of course
[06:55] <698344> No
[06:55] <698344> Firdt of thats not even Japanese
[06:56] <Lesami> no i have a japanese to english dictionary, ahmed, it dosent, you want to know why it dosent? ng is not a sound in the japanese language
[06:56] <698344> Hai
[06:57] <Lesami> stop speaking about a language you do not understand, ng, as far as i am personally aware, is not a spoke n or written sound within the japanese language
[06:57] <Ahmedrashwan>
[06:57] <698344> Chinese
[06:57] <698344> Chinese
[06:57] <698344> Not Japanese
[06:57] <Ahmedrashwan> There is also different meanings
[06:57] <Ahmedrashwan> For jing
[06:57] <698344> Ya
[06:57] <698344> Of course different meaning for eveything in the world
[06:58] <ImAMonkey> It isnt a word in Japanese...
[06:58] <ImAMonkey> I just searched it up...
[06:58] <698344> Hai 
[06:58] <Lesami> chinese and japanese are two different languiages and cultures -.- 
[06:58] <ImAMonkey> China and Japan are 2 different places
[06:58] <ImAMonkey> Kawaii~
[06:58] <VeilOfReality> Jingle bells.. Jingle bells.. 
[06:59] <698344> Watshi wa baka desu 
[06:59] <ImAMonkey> SOPHIE
[06:59] <698344> Drash no we could have been kin
[06:59] <Ahmedrashwan>
[06:59] <698344> Yay
[06:59] <Lesami> i wonder what people will find if they scan me
[06:59] <ImAMonkey> What does him being in the chat have to do with having a non-human soul
[07:00] <698344> Look I said he might
[07:00] <698344> Ya never know
[07:00] <698344> No fluff sites
[07:01] <ImAMonkey> Do you have evidence of having a non-human soul or do you just want to test?
[07:01] <ImAMonkey> Oh brb
[07:01] <698344> I was scanned by Tsubaki amd Horsy of mytk
[07:01] <Lesami> lets clear this up, no energy will ever by physical, it is simply totally impossible, what energy can do is affect the physical, or become the physical through matter conversion though this takes up so much energy it is impossible for a human being to perform alone
[07:01] <698344> True
[07:01] <Lesami> 68, i never remember scanning you
[07:02] <698344> Agunimon my master
[07:02] <698344> Hav u forgotten me, you the one who taught my magick like all those years ago
[07:02] <698344> Oh yeah n your walking on water thing is to hard
[07:03] <Ahmedrashwan> Hi
[07:03] <KibaTheWolf> Mikey PM
[07:03] <Lesami> did i say it would be easy? it was a complex theory based upon the characteristics of water to be used with years of dedicated practice
[07:03] <698344> I know
[07:04] <698344> Thats I knew it would take me10 years
[07:04] <Ahmedrashwan> Well...jing is made for fighting arts....another mean..use energy for fighting
[07:04] <698344> Okay drash were done with the jing now
[07:05] <698344> Or 30
[07:05] <698344> You act live I gave up already, silly, Im still trying
[07:05] <Lesami> it isnt made for any art! its a peice of theory in a taoist and buddhist philos#ophy, it wasnt created for combat its just ment to exxist in their theory, its just energy it cant help you fight better, and if it can the methods for creating it online are simply wrong,
[07:06] <698344> Nothing is made for anything it's how you use it
[07:06] <Ahmedrashwan> Did u saw the link?
[07:07] <698344> Yeah n I saw the website n I immediately left after reading the first few post
[07:07] <698344> I could used a napkin to choke you
[07:07] <698344> Or a sword to chop trees
[07:07] <Lesami> do not belive everything you read, first thingfs first, pick up a few books, read all of them, 
[07:08] <698344> You must prove your work not just take in the info
[07:09] <Lesami> if anyone can guess my sexual preferance i will link them to protection sigils
[07:09] <Ahmedrashwan> There masters In's exist..and there many sites telling the same also training on it
[07:10] <Ahmedrashwan> Okay don
[07:10] <Lesami> would these masters happejn to be martial artists in a skill called qi gong? 
[07:10] <Ahmedrashwan> E
[07:11] <Ahmedrashwan> Happejn
[07:11] <Ahmedrashwan> ?
[07:12] <698344> Les that's not fair because u told me n I want those sigils!!!!
[07:12] <ImAMonkey> I'm back minna~
[07:12] <ImAMonkey> Les
[07:13] <ImAMonkey> Do I say your sexual preference in the main or in PM
[07:13] <VeilOfReality> I have a good guess!!!
[07:13] <Lesami> note im not talking about my sexuality but the type of partner i prefer
[07:13] <VeilOfReality> Nevermind.
[07:13] <ImAMonkey> Oh
[07:13] <Lesami> so take a shot
[07:13] <ImAMonkey> Umm males?
[07:13] <ImAMonkey> but your sexuality is... (can I say it?)
[07:13] <Ahmedrashwan> No
[07:14] <698344> Women
[07:14] <Ahmedrashwan> No
[07:14] <Lesami> i dont have a gender preferance, 
[07:14] <Ahmedrashwan> Yes
[07:14] <ImAMonkey> Damn it
[07:14] <698344> Damn
[07:14] <VeilOfReality> That was a cruel trick question.
[07:14] <Ahmedrashwan> Guys
[07:14] <Lesami> its stuff like personality, body, their qualities
[07:14] <ImAMonkey> Thats why you are pansexual xD
[07:14] <ImAMonkey> Crap
[07:14] <Ahmedrashwan> Forget it
[07:14] <VeilOfReality> Oooooh
[07:14] <VeilOfReality> Intelligent people?
[07:15] <ImAMonkey> I'm an intelligent person
[07:15] <Lesami> thats one aspect, there are five
[07:15] <VeilOfReality> Don't lie, Mikey.
[07:15] <VeilOfReality> Tall?
[07:15] <Ahmedrashwan> Guys.
[07:15] <ImAMonkey> I'm not lying XD
[07:15] <Lesami> not really a concern
[07:15] <VeilOfReality> Shurrree you aren't lying.
[07:15] <ImAMonkey> I've had my intelligence measured on Wechsler's scale for children
[07:16] <VeilOfReality> Lesami, are they more appearance or personality?
[07:16] <698344> Giys is it bad I create techs using science
[07:16] <Lesami> i prefer taller people but its not a major preferance
[07:16] <Ahmedrashwan> There is many people like les..its not
[07:16] <VeilOfReality> No, 698.
[07:16] <Ahmedrashwan> Umm
[07:16] <Lesami> no it isnt, science is an important aspect of our lives
[07:16] <698344> Good
[07:17] <698344> Because oka
[07:17] <VeilOfReality> Spit it out, Ahmed.
[07:17] <698344> Was being mean
[07:17] <698344> N hated on my tech
[07:17] <ImAMonkey> Oka
[07:17] <VeilOfReality> Oka isn't mean, he's a mroon. There's a difference.
[07:17] <ImAMonkey> You have to get used to him
[07:17] <VeilOfReality> moron*
[07:17] <698344> It was flashy but it still worked
[07:17] <698344> Hey 21 I never seen a rune as such before
[07:18] <Lesami> no more guesses, a shame
[07:18] <VeilOfReality> Okay, Lesami. Is one of them being modest?
[07:18] <Ahmedrashwan> ..
[07:18] <Aslal> What's going on now?
[07:18] <Lesami> not really no,
[07:18] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Horsy
[07:18] <VeilOfReality> I'm not done, just thinking as hard as I can about your personality and what I think would go well with it.
[07:18] <KibaTheWolf> Bye Horsy XD
[07:19] <VeilOfReality> Kind?
[07:19] <VeilOfReality> Timid? Confident?
[07:19] <Lesami> kind is one, so, kind, inteligent, 3 more
[07:19] <Lesami> confident is a third
[07:19] <VeilOfReality> I'm on a roll.
[07:20] <VeilOfReality> Let's see...
[07:20] <Aslal> Modest?
[07:20] <VeilOfReality> Polite?
[07:20] <VeilOfReality> Aslal, I already said that.
[07:20] <Lesami> polite comes bundled with kind
[07:20] <VeilOfReality> True.
[07:20] <Aslal> I didn't read logs.
[07:21] <Lesami> honestly the last two are probably har different to the others
[07:21] <Aslal> I'm just gonna take a stab and say dominant
[07:21] <Horsyqueen> hmmmm
[07:21] <VeilOfReality> So, appearance have to do with the last two?
[07:21] <Lesami> dominant is the fourth
[07:21] <VeilOfReality> Darn it. Aslal you broke my roll.
[07:21] <Aslal> I was legit going to say dominant a while ago.
[07:22] <Horsyqueen> did you know that hormones used in hormone transferrs and stuff comes from horses
[07:22] <VeilOfReality> Protective?
[07:22] <Ahmedrashwan> Is that gussing game?
[07:22] <Lesami> protective is bundled in kind and dominant
[07:22] <Ahmedrashwan> Smart"
[07:22] <Ahmedrashwan> ?
[07:22] <VeilOfReality> I keep on overlapping.
[07:22] <Lesami> smart is guessed
[07:22] <VeilOfReality> Ahmed I already said intelligent.
[07:23] <Ahmedrashwan> Weeeee
[07:23] <Ahmedrashwan> Yayyyyy
[07:23] <Lesami> this is an element of their knowledge
[07:23] <Horsyqueen> hmmmm
[07:23] <VeilOfReality> understanding
[07:23] <VeilOfReality> ?
[07:23] <Lesami> think about what they specifically know
[07:24] <VeilOfReality> magic? Or something similar.
[07:24] <Lesami> nope
[07:24] <VeilOfReality> Darn.
[07:24] <VeilOfReality> Musical?
[07:24] <Aslal> Accepting?
[07:24] <Lesami> no
[07:25] <Lesami> accepting is in kind
[07:26] <VeilOfReality> Can you give a hint?
[07:26] <Lesami> its related to onre personality aspect
[07:27] <Ahmedrashwan> Brave?
[07:27] <Lesami> no
[07:27] <VeilOfReality> Considerate?
[07:27] <Lesami> ikn kind, its a part of their mwental knowledge, not a personality trait
[07:27] <Ahmedrashwan> Love challenge ?
[07:27] <Lesami> no
[07:28] <VeilOfReality> Okey dokey, not a trait.
[07:28] <VeilOfReality> Knowledge of history?
[07:28] <Lesami> no
[07:28] <Lesami> its related to a previous trait
[07:28] <Ahmedrashwan> Reading many books?
[07:29] <Lesami> no
[07:29] <Horsyqueen> hmmmm
[07:29] <VeilOfReality> How to make someone happy?
[07:29] <Lesami> no
[07:29] <VeilOfReality> Hmmm
[07:29] <PsylockePsion3> hello
[07:29] <Ahmedrashwan> Love helping people?
[07:29] <Lesami> no
[07:30] <EinsVanCat> Thats not part of mental knowledge ahmed
[07:30] <EinsVanCat> Thats a personality trait
[07:30] <Horsyqueen> theres nothing on at the moment
[07:30] <Ahmedrashwan> Love ur religion?
[07:30] <Lesami> no
[07:30] <VeilOfReality> How to be a leader?
[07:30] <EinsVanCat> still personality trait ahmed
[07:30] <Lesami> no
[07:30] <Horsyqueen> are people trying to work out what counts as knowledge
[07:30] <EinsVanCat> No
[07:30] <VeilOfReality> Which trait does it have to do with?
[07:30] <VeilOfReality> Horsy, it's a guessing game.
[07:31] <Lesami> the fourth
[07:31] <Horsyqueen> oh
[07:31] <VeilOfReality> Dominant? 
[07:31] <Lesami> mhmm
[07:31] <Horsyqueen> fucking helll temp drop
[07:31] <ImAMonkey> Knowledge of you as a person?
[07:31] <ImAMonkey> That was a stupid guess but it was worth a shot
[07:31] <Lesami> nope
[07:32] <EinsVanCat> The monkeys lntelligence shows once again!
[07:32] <ImAMonkey> XD
[07:32] <EinsVanCat> lnteIIigence
[07:32] <EinsVanCat> 
[07:32] <EinsVanCat> x3
[07:32] <VeilOfReality> "Intelligence" 
[07:32] <ImAMonkey> My intelligence isn't strong when it comes to other people
[07:32] <ImAMonkey> No empathy~
[07:33] <Ahmedrashwan> Openess to experience?
[07:33] <EinsVanCat> Lnteiiigence
[07:33] <EinsVanCat> 
[07:33] <EinsVanCat> :3
[07:33] <VeilOfReality> Okay, let's see. Knowledge, has to do with dominance and is related to that word.
[07:33] <ImAMonkey> Intelligence*
[07:33] <ImAMonkey> XD
[07:33] <Lesami> mhmm
[07:33] <EinsVanCat> No Im saying I swapped the capital i with a lowercase L, and the lower L's with capital I's
[07:34] <VeilOfReality> How to be in charge?
[07:34] <Lesami> dclose
[07:34] <VeilOfReality> How to be a leader?
[07:34] <EinsVanCat> that was said
[07:34] <VeilOfReality> How to protect someone?
[07:34] <Horsyqueen> hmm
[07:35] <VeilOfReality> Shut up, Eins. Don't mess up my chain of thoughts.
[07:35] <EinsVanCat> I will.
[07:35] <EinsVanCat> And you'll like it.
[07:35] <EinsVanCat> :3
[07:35] <VeilOfReality> -_-
[07:35] <Lesami> its none of these, but you are close with taking charge, remember this is my personal romantic preferance
[07:35] <Ahmedrashwan> Intrusive thoughts
[07:35] <Ahmedrashwan> ?
[07:35] <Lesami> what? -.-
[07:35] <Ahmedrashwan> What?
[07:36] <Ahmedrashwan> Oh
[07:36] <VeilOfReality> Uhm, knowing how to start the relationship? 
[07:36] <Lesami> no
[07:36] <Ahmedrashwan> It was me
[07:36] <Ahmedrashwan> Intrusive
[07:37] <Ahmedrashwan> Like Intrusive chat now
[07:38] <VeilOfReality> Uhm, in the relationship they have knowledge on it from previous ones?
[07:38] <Lesami> its the type of relationship
[07:39] <VeilOfReality> One with gender roles?
[07:40] <Ahmedrashwan> Peace
[07:40] <ImAMonkey> Everyone has gender roles
[07:40] <Ahmedrashwan> Self control?
[07:40] <Lesami> not so much gender roles, and monkey, that isnt true
[07:40] <VeilOfReality> Not exactly, Monkey.
[07:40] <ImAMonkey> We all have our genders and we all have roles 
[07:40] <Lesami> a gender role is a social expectation based upon gener, they change a lot and many ignore them
[07:40] <ImAMonkey> Many ignore them?
[07:40] <ImAMonkey> Thats not the case where I live...
[07:41] <Ahmedrashwan> Joy
[07:41] <Lesami> well you dont look, then, 
[07:41] <Ahmedrashwan> Gentle
[07:41] <VeilOfReality> Not really Mikey, I'm a proud feminist and will gladly argue with you for hours about gender roles.
[07:41] <EinsVanCat> Alright, heres a little hint
[07:41] <EinsVanCat> 
[07:41] <EinsVanCat> Think Collars.
[07:41] <Lesami> ^ this provides a hint to the fifth
[07:41] <ImAMonkey> that makes me think of submissive
[07:41] <ImAMonkey> Or forces others into submission
[07:42] <Lesami> dominance comes with submission, 
[07:42] <VeilOfReality> Like dog collars? Shirt collars? Necklaces that look like collars? 
[07:42] <Lesami> the former, 
[07:42] <ImAMonkey> Dang
[07:42] <ImAMonkey> This is confusing
[07:42] <ImAMonkey> Sophie
[07:42] <VeilOfReality> What.
[07:42] <ImAMonkey> Continue on your "roll'
[07:43] <Ahmedrashwan> Leadership?
[07:43] <ImAMonkey> Since I'm clueless
[07:43] <ImAMonkey> You guess it
[07:43] <EinsVanCat> Thats been said before ahmed..
[07:43] <VeilOfReality> Twice.
[07:43] <EinsVanCat> twice, infact.
[07:43] <VeilOfReality> HA, I beat you to your own words.
[07:43] <ImAMonkey> Does anyone here listen to Japanese music?
[07:43] <Ahmedrashwan> 😪
[07:43] <VeilOfReality> Occasionally.
[07:43] <EinsVanCat> We said it at the same time veil xD And I had an additional word.
[07:43] <Ahmedrashwan> -_-
[07:44] <Ahmedrashwan> Me monkey
[07:44] <VeilOfReality> Well I'm a slower typer, and mine came up first.
[07:44] <ImAMonkey> japanese music is beautiful
[07:44] <Ahmedrashwan> I listen to it
[07:44] <Ahmedrashwan> But I love anime Japanese music
[07:44] <698344> Japanese music is all I listen too
[07:44] <Lesami> its not a hard guess
[07:45] <Ahmedrashwan> Like touare majtsu no index
[07:45] <Ahmedrashwan> ...
[07:45] <VeilOfReality> Do they have a more "male" personality?
[07:45] <698344> I listen to yoshida brothers
[07:45] <Ahmedrashwan> And Naruto shippuden
[07:45] <ImAMonkey> I like Euterpe from Guilty Crown
[07:46] <ImAMonkey> Its a nice song
[07:46] <Lesami> its not a point no,
[07:46] <Ahmedrashwan> And bleach
[07:46] <Ahmedrashwan> And fairly tail
[07:46] <VeilOfReality> This is soooooo hard. Any more hints?
[07:46] <Ahmedrashwan> and Sao
[07:46] <ImAMonkey> SAO was amazing
[07:46] <VeilOfReality> Ahmed, I watch fairy tail and Sao too.
[07:46] <ImAMonkey> Asuna
[07:46] <ImAMonkey> Is
[07:46] <ImAMonkey> Awesome
[07:46] <Ahmedrashwan> Me
[07:46] <698344> My second wife
[07:46] <Ahmedrashwan> I think monkey
[07:47] <Ahmedrashwan> Made his tulpa
[07:47] <Ahmedrashwan> From ausna
[07:47] <698344> SAO hajime no ipppo
[07:47] <Ahmedrashwan> XD
[07:47] <698344> Kenichi
[07:47] <ImAMonkey> No
[07:47] <698344> Dragon drive , black lagoon
[07:47] <ImAMonkey> My tulpa
[07:47] <VeilOfReality> Lesami, you make the hardest guessing games.
[07:47] <ImAMonkey> Had purple hair
[07:47] <698344> Zero no tsukaima
[07:47] <ImAMonkey> And I watched SAO a month ago
[07:47] <698344> Mahpu senhou
[07:47] <Ahmedrashwan> Then sukrA
[07:47] <ImAMonkey> My tulpa committed suicide a year ago
[07:47] <698344> O.o
[07:47] <EinsVanCat> lol..
[07:48] <698344> Why
[07:48] <Ahmedrashwan> His tulpa
[07:48] <ImAMonkey> So that eliminates all possibilities of it being related to SAO in any way
[07:48] <ImAMonkey> And I dont wanna get into why
[07:48] <Ahmedrashwan> Was gonna kill him and her self
[07:48] <Ahmedrashwan> His tulpa
[07:49] <ImAMonkey> Dont get into it...
[07:49] <698344> Wait wat where u guys talking bout
[07:49] <Ahmedrashwan> think I will anime little girl
[07:49] <EinsVanCat> ...
[07:49] <Ahmedrashwan> Have fire hair
[07:49] <ImAMonkey> brb
[07:49] <Ahmedrashwan> BRB
[07:50] <Ahmedrashwan> I don't understand this faces
[07:50] <698344> Angel beats
[07:51] <Ahmedrashwan> And black bullet
[07:51] <ImAMonkey> brb isnt a face
[07:51] <ImAMonkey> It means be right back
[07:51] <ImAMonkey> So brb again
[07:52] <Ahmedrashwan> lol
[07:52] <Ahmedrashwan> So lets brb
[07:52] <VeilOfReality> brb in a bit, I have foods to eat and books to read.
[07:53] <698344> Y do u all leave when I come back
[07:53] <698344> : (
[07:53] <698344> Atleast ur still here Eins 
[07:53] <Ahmedrashwan> And black bullet..i want to watch it
[07:53] <EinsVanCat> I left hours ago.
[07:54] <EinsVanCat> This is just my automatic response program.
[07:54] <EinsVanCat> If you would like to leave a message, please say it in Private Message.
[07:56] <Horsyqueen> hmmm
[07:57] <698344> Horsy I watchin ya YouTube vid on divination : )
[07:58] <698344> Cuz im getting back into runes
[08:02] <EinsVanCat> So, now that Im done screwing with people.. why is chat so quiet.
[08:04] <698344> .......
[08:04] <698344> * 698344 stays silent
[08:05] <EinsVanCat> I dont think you understood what I was doing.. -.-
[08:05] <Okamiden12> lel
[08:05] <Okamiden12> also...idk javascript :|
[08:06] <EinsVanCat> well thats your fault.
[08:06] <EinsVanCat> Lol
[08:06] <698344> * 698344 still stays silent n he does know he is not stupid
[08:06] <EinsVanCat> What, really?
[08:06] <Ahmedrashwan> ..
[08:06] <HawkTech> eins
[08:07] <EinsVanCat> Eh, Im not going to continue that line, its just going to cause you to get irritated numbers..
[08:07] <EinsVanCat> 
[08:07] <EinsVanCat> Yes Hawk?
[08:07] <HawkTech> its still in one hour
[08:07] <EinsVanCat> :/
[08:07] <HawkTech> did you press ctrl f5?
[08:08] <Okamiden12> hehe
[08:08] <EinsVanCat> That wouldn't fix the opera browser, and it doesnt matter right now the bots not broken down sincel ast nit
[08:08] <EinsVanCat> *night
[08:08] <Okamiden12> aw
[08:08] <EinsVanCat> next time it dcs Ill reset that stuff
[08:09] <Jonas.g> meow
[08:09] <Okamiden12> so this must be why kile wanted me to make that script
[08:09] <698344> Neko-chan
[08:10] <EinsVanCat> So, who heres never sparred before?
[08:10] <HawkTech> for opera it says Opera users have to clear their caches through Tools→Preferences
[08:10] <EinsVanCat> Im aware .. hawk..
[08:10] <The21starchivist> Astrally?
[08:10] <EinsVanCat> Jesus christ how do you think I got it to work the first time hawk?
[08:10] <Okamiden12> xD
[08:10] <The21starchivist> Nya miss Kya?? X3?
[08:10] <The21starchivist> *cackles*
[08:11] <Jonas.g> i have never sparred in my life
[08:11] <698344> Spar me
[08:11] <698344> Ill try to be gentle
[08:11] <KibaTheWolf> I didnt spare too .-. 
[08:11] <The21starchivist> I'm not in the mood
[08:11] <The21starchivist> I got egg burps
[08:11] <698344> I spar both of at the same time
[08:11] <The21starchivist> They smell nasty as hell
[08:11] <Okamiden12> ew
[08:11] <698344> Whoever bleeds from thier nose loses
[08:11] <EinsVanCat> Needs ref
[08:12] <EinsVanCat> ...
[08:12] <EinsVanCat> lol?
[08:12] <698344> U
[08:12] <EinsVanCat> what?
[08:12] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 has constant nosebleeds
[08:12] <Okamiden12> it would get confusing
[08:12] <Okamiden12> i've already bled 3 times today
[08:12] <KibaTheWolf> Hey Arro
[08:12] <Okamiden12> and it's only....3pm
[08:12] <698344> I mean u get so drained or get hit that pain makes u bleed
[08:12] <Arro Yunora> Hii
[08:12] <Jonas.g> nbo its 2:00
[08:12] <The21starchivist> Okami + nosebleeds = animne pervert
[08:12] <Jonas.g> lol
[08:12] <698344> Its 4 12
[08:13] <EinsVanCat> Lol..
[08:13] <Okamiden12> ...but ...i'm not an anime pervert e.e
[08:13] <698344> Sure
[08:13] <The21starchivist> XD
[08:13] <Okamiden12> i'm just a regular pervert
[08:13] <Okamiden12> ;P
[08:13] <698344> Lol
[08:13] <Okamiden12> but i'm nt aroused when i bleed
[08:13] <Okamiden12> so
[08:13] <EinsVanCat> Numbers I doubt you could actually make many people bleed physically n.n
[08:13] <The21starchivist> I'm not ._.
[08:13] <Okamiden12> we know it's not that
[08:14] <698344> Well when my head hurts really bad from being drained of energy I bleed
[08:14] <Okamiden12> haha
[08:14] <Okamiden12> welcome back mipples
[08:14] <Temp321> hey oka
[08:14] <The21starchivist> no comment
[08:14] <698344> But I feel like killing myself thats how bad it hurts
[08:14] <Okamiden12> Mip did u talk to zethen
[08:14] <Okamiden12> cuz i did
[08:14] <Temp321> i wasnt able to get on last night
[08:15] <Temp321> but i will be able to tonight
[08:15] <Okamiden12> he agrees with me on that little matter we discussed yester day
[08:15] <Temp321> pm
[08:15] <EinsVanCat> This sounded so interesting too..
[08:15] <698344> Plus I need my skills back so it's good to push myself, eins be ref please
[08:15] <EinsVanCat> I can't ref.
[08:15] <Jonas.g> i wonder what i should practice first pyro or electrokinesis
[08:16] <Okamiden12> how abouttt
[08:16] <698344> Damn
[08:16] <Okamiden12> twatokinesis
[08:16] <698344> Manipulation over twats sounds nice
[08:16] <EinsVanCat> ...
[08:16] <Okamiden12> xD
[08:17] <EinsVanCat> -.-
[08:17] <Okamiden12> i wuv u Lady Scarlet
[08:17] <EinsVanCat> =.=
[08:17] <Okamiden12> ...nvm
[08:17] <Okamiden12> x3
[08:17] <698344> Wait I thought twat was english slang for stupid
[08:17] <The21starchivist> Omfg that was nasty..
[08:18] <Jonas.g> ha!
[08:18] <Okamiden12> that's what i was going for Numbers
[08:18] <698344> Wait wait 
[08:18] <698344> Ok good
[08:18] <The21starchivist> I gtg before I pukje on my tablket..
[08:19] <Okamiden12> yay :D 
[08:19] <698344> So it does mean stupid
[08:20] <698344> Ok 
[08:20] <EinsVanCat> It does but it has a few other uses.
[08:20] <Okamiden12> yeh it does
[08:20] <Lesami> it can mean stupid but it can also refer to the female sexual organs, in england, this is its more common meaning
[08:20] <Okamiden12> ^
[08:20] <698344> That's how it is in America 
[08:21] <Okamiden12> :3
[08:21] <698344> But I meant for it as stupid
[08:21] <Lesami> if you wouldnt mind avoiding insults like dick, pussy and the like, i woulds appreciate it, as they can be rather degrading to the specific gender
[08:22] <698344> Sure
[08:22] <Lesami> brb
[08:22] <Okamiden12> <3 sorry lesami
[08:22] <EinsVanCat> Nap Time.
[08:22] <Okamiden12> yay
[08:24] <698344> Hey horsy
[08:25] <Horsyqueen> power cut
[08:27] <698344> Power cut?
[08:27] <698344> Use electro
[08:38] <Okamiden12> :{
[08:38] <Okamiden12> miao
[08:45] <Jaacob> hey
[08:45] <Okamiden12> hi
[08:46] <Okamiden12> hi bby
[08:46] <XeRhyme> Hey guys
[08:46] <XeRhyme> Why does chat keep dieing?
[08:46] <XeRhyme> 
[08:46] <Okamiden12> everyone else is dead
[08:46] <Okamiden12> i keel dem
[08:48] <Horsyqueen> damn got to print of my essay
[08:50] <Okamiden12> lel
[08:52] <Aslal> Because death.
[08:55] <Okamiden12> :P
[08:56] <Temp321> oka
[08:56] <Okamiden12> i saw
[08:56] <Gingepusscat123> Wow the chat really is dead
[08:56] <XeRhyme> Chat don't wanna live no more
[08:56] <Horsyqueen> back
[08:57] <XeRhyme> wb horsy
[08:57] <Okamiden12> -cuddles rhyme-
[08:57] <Gingepusscat123> Hey XeRhyme :) 
[08:57] <Okamiden12> :) 
[08:57] <XeRhyme> Hey
[08:57] <Gingepusscat123> Horsy I saw you're on the PsiWarriors site too, so am I now :) 
[08:57] <XeRhyme> Nobody goes on psiwarriors.
[08:57] <Okamiden12> x3
[08:58] <Gingepusscat123> How come?
[08:58] <XeRhyme> Because it is run by an incompetent fat man
[08:58] <Okamiden12> cuz it sucks the dick
[08:58] <Okamiden12> oh
[08:58] <Okamiden12> that too
[08:58] <Gingepusscat123> Amazing.
[08:58] <Okamiden12> he like little boys 
[08:58] <Okamiden12> just sayin
[08:58] <Horsyqueen> who likes little boys?
[08:58] <Horsyqueen> is it you okami
[08:58] <Horsyqueen> i wouldnt be suprised
[08:58] <Gingepusscat123> xD
[08:58] <698344> Woah
[08:59] <XeRhyme> lol horsy,we're talkin bout david
[08:59] <698344> Im scared now
[08:59] <Jonas.g> no i dont like little boys cause thatd make me herbert fro family guy
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> lol
[08:59] <Okamiden12> yeh >.<
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> david
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> oh gosh
[08:59] <Gingepusscat123> yeah xD
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> hes like a total pedo
[08:59] <XeRhyme> Jonas.Nobodys referin to you lol,they were talkin bout oka
[08:59] <698344> Im scared
[08:59] <XeRhyme> David is creepy.@_@
[08:59] <Okamiden12> ...
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> since none of u lot actually went through what david did
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> i was in college
[08:59] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 wants to meet david
[08:59] <698344> Who
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> tuesday
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> first lesson
[08:59] <Jonas.g> *continues to ignore Xerhyme
[08:59] <Horsyqueen> around 9am
[09:00] <698344> Wat 0.0
[09:00] <Jonas.g> oh well back to minecraft
[09:00] <Gingepusscat123> Oh well back to editing episodes
[09:00] <Horsyqueen> he creeped me out
[09:00] <Okamiden12> oh well back to fantasizing 
[09:00] <XeRhyme> Oh well back to listening to the story.
[09:00] <Gingepusscat123> I love how this wiki discusses everything BUT psionics xD
[09:01] <Okamiden12> fuck being on topic
[09:01] <698344> Oka don't rape me im just a good lil boy I don't deserve it
[09:01] <Okamiden12> ...
[09:01] <Gingepusscat123> Yeah!
[09:01] <XeRhyme> -_-
[09:01] <698344> * 698344 cries
[09:01] <XeRhyme> Oka isn't actually a pedo.
[09:01] <Okamiden12> I have a boyfriend
[09:01] <698344> Yay!!!!!!!!!!!
[09:01] <XeRhyme> Which is me.
[09:01] <Gingepusscat123> Plot Twist.
[09:01] <Okamiden12> and If i were a pedo i'd do better than you -3-
[09:01] <Horsyqueen> okami isnt really a pedo
[09:01] <XeRhyme> Horsy.How often did he do that?
[09:01] <698344> My booty is saved
[09:01] <Okamiden12> shut the fuck up -3-
[09:01] <Horsyqueen> well twice he creeped me out
[09:01] <XeRhyme> Sounds...Disturbinh
[09:01] <Horsyqueen> then i deleted him
[09:02] <Temp321> oka is a big pedo
[09:02] <Okamiden12> xD
[09:02] <Jonas.g> so oka's gay?
[09:02] <Horsyqueen> i got screenshots
[09:02] <Okamiden12>'s like jonas hasn't been here
[09:02] <Jonas.g> *rolls his eyes
[09:04] <XeRhyme> I'm shocked he didn't get arressted
[09:04] <XeRhyme> *arrested
[09:04] <Okamiden12> :|
[09:04] <XeRhyme> yet,Dude's pretty creepy with girls
[09:05] <Okamiden12> hehe
[09:05] <Gingepusscat123> Sounds pretty bad ;)
[09:06] <XeRhyme> So,How's everyones progress going?In the things their doing.
[09:06] <Horsyqueen> well he wouldnt
[09:06] <Horsyqueen> ales i showed anyone who would report him
[09:07] <698344> Im trying to learn divination with runes
[09:08] <Gingepusscat123> What's this? Something on topic?
[09:08] <Gingepusscat123> Well I never.
[09:08] <XeRhyme> How did that go?Couldn't you go to court over that?
[09:08] <Lesami> understand that the runes are simply directors for the flows of energy you read, and projectors for the image they show
[09:09] <698344> Hai sensei
[09:09] <Lesami> dont call me sensei, 
[09:09] <Horsyqueen> some people dont want to get involved with the law
[09:10] <698344> Y not : (
[09:10] <Okamiden12> i'd like to avoid the law as much as possible
[09:10] <Gingepusscat123> Same :/
[09:10] <Lesami> it reminds me of bad times in high school
[09:10] <XeRhyme> I understand.
[09:10] <Okamiden12> so i destroy all wines-- i mean...*tap dances away*
[09:11] <Gingepusscat123> Most amazing way to exit a room xD
[09:11] <Horsyqueen> like if its a case of child grooming they will take my laptop
[09:11] <698344> Ill lill them for u
[09:11] <Horsyqueen> i dont want people taking my laptop
[09:11] <Horsyqueen> and checking logs and shit like that
[09:11] <HawkTech> y not?
[09:11] <Okamiden12> cuz horsy has some nasty porn on her pc?
[09:11] <Horsyqueen> one i watch movies
[09:11] <Okamiden12> jk
[09:11] <Horsyqueen> 2 i download music
[09:11] <Okamiden12> oh
[09:11] <Horsyqueen> i dont watch porn actually
[09:11] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 may have been right
[09:11] <Okamiden12> nvm
[09:11] <Okamiden12> :|
[09:11] <Okamiden12> 
[09:11] <HawkTech> yeah
[09:11] <HawkTech> right
[09:11] <XeRhyme> Well then,Nice to know.
[09:11] <Okamiden12> luv u horsy :P
[09:11] <Jonas.g> yawn
[09:12] <Horsyqueen> and 3 i have some stories which could be taken badly
[09:12] <Gingepusscat123> Doesn't everyone download music and films though?
[09:12] <Okamiden12> not legally
[09:12] <Horsyqueen> its illegal to over the internet
[09:12] <Lesami> they do however it is an offence
[09:12] <Lesami> though highly ignored as a crime unless youare the distributor
[09:12] <XeRhyme> It's widely acceapted,but if snitched then done.What I don't get is when people openly sell illegal dvd copies of movies around police officers.
[09:12] <Gingepusscat123> Yeah that's what I meant - pretty much every song and game I've got is downloaded.
[09:12] <Horsyqueen> you can get done for it though
[09:12] <XeRhyme> Every game I got is downloaded.Cuz their all f2p
[09:12] <Horsyqueen> and i'd rather avoid a criminal record
[09:12] <HawkTech> yeah horsy
[09:12] <Gingepusscat123> Of course you can, that's why it's risky business.
[09:13] <HawkTech> youll get arrested
[09:13] <HawkTech> for 10 years
[09:13] <Horsyqueen> no
[09:13] <Horsyqueen> i wont
[09:13] <Horsyqueen> you dont know british law
[09:13] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 got charged a 500$ fine for pirating
[09:13] <Gingepusscat123> In fact I'm listening to the Child of Light OST right now which I downloaded just today xD
[09:13] <HawkTech> for downloading
[09:13] <Horsyqueen> its totoally different
[09:13] <HawkTech> yes
[09:13] <HawkTech> you will
[09:13] <XeRhyme> Dang Oka,How'd u get caught.
[09:13] <Horsyqueen> in british law there is no set time periods
[09:13] <Okamiden12> well..they threatened to fine me
[09:13] <Horsyqueen> as in england we know every situation is different
[09:13] <Okamiden12> my ISP put a tracker :|
[09:13] <Okamiden12> and i pirated a game
[09:14] <Okamiden12> and they shut me down
[09:14] <Okamiden12> -3-
[09:14] <Gingepusscat123> What game?
[09:14] <698344> Wat is British law like?
[09:14] <Horsyqueen> in america you get get put in jail for 1000 years
[09:14] <HawkTech> fluffy cats
[09:14] <Okamiden12> and the funny thing is i still do it XD
[09:14] <Gingepusscat123> Rebel! xD
[09:14] <Okamiden12> but i remove the trackers
[09:14] <Horsyqueen> okami u just like being a rebel
[09:14] <Okamiden12> nah
[09:14] <HawkTech> he downloaded
[09:14] <HawkTech> fluffy cats
[09:14] <HawkTech> hd edition
[09:15] <XeRhyme> Oka,What game was it tho?
[09:15] <Okamiden12> i just cant afford to buy the shit i need XD
[09:15] <Okamiden12> i'll tell u over skype ;)
[09:15] <XeRhyme> k k
[09:15] <Gingepusscat123> Game of the year. Fluffy Cats HD.
[09:15] <Horsyqueen> dont link him
[09:15] <Horsyqueen> thats not alliud
[09:15] <Gingepusscat123> Same!
[09:15] <HawkTech> who will know
[09:15] <HawkTech> i mean
[09:15] <HawkTech> its just us here
[09:15] <HawkTech> oh wait...
[09:15] <Horsyqueen> *alloud
[09:16] <XeRhyme> He only said the name,don't worry.
[09:16] <HawkTech> tell me the name too
[09:16] <XeRhyme> No.
[09:16] <HawkTech> talking to oka
[09:16] <Okamiden12> nah
[09:16] <Horsyqueen> i dont know whether or not to get a tattoo 
[09:16] <Gingepusscat123> Is it even worth asking anything related to Psionics now anymore?! Lel
[09:16] <XeRhyme> Well that depends,Do you want it or not?
[09:17] <XeRhyme> Well.That depends.You'd have to start the topic
[09:17] <Okamiden12> nuu ;-;
[09:17] <Gingepusscat123> Meeh ok then.... what's the best thing you've ever done with your chosen ability/abilities?
[09:17] <Lesami> created love
[09:17] <XeRhyme> Awe
[09:17] <Horsyqueen> pffftttt bats are boring
[09:17] <Gingepusscat123> Aww
[09:17] <XeRhyme> Best thing I did..Was fix a migraine.
[09:18] <Gingepusscat123> They are annoying.
[09:18] <XeRhyme> On another person of course,I'd be going insane if I ever got one.
[09:18] <Gingepusscat123> Even better :) 
[09:18] <Gingepusscat123> BTW XeRhyme do you remember me from the other week? We PMed about Ap
[09:18] <XeRhyme> Yeah
[09:18] <Gingepusscat123> Nice :) 
[09:18] <XeRhyme> How did it go?
[09:18] <Okamiden12> Rhyme isn't allowed to heal me anymore
[09:18] <Okamiden12> -3-
[09:19] <HawkTech> oh horsy
[09:19] <XeRhyme> Okaaaa,Let meeee
[09:19] <HawkTech> i have a great video for you
[09:19] <Horsyqueen> 3 episodes of doctor who :) 
[09:19] <Okamiden12> Nej 
[09:19] <Horsyqueen> during the football season
[09:19] <Horsyqueen> yay
[09:19] <Gingepusscat123> I'm getting the impression that pretty much everyone on this chat knows each other in person or something xD
[09:19] <Horsyqueen> okay show me
[09:19] <HawkTech>
[09:19] <Okamiden12> no many of us know eachother irl
[09:19] <Okamiden12> but we all have a strong bond(age) ;)
[09:19] <Horsyqueen> that show is creepy
[09:20] <HawkTech> watch the whole video
[09:20] <Horsyqueen> it looked like they had plastacine on their face
[09:20] <Gingepusscat123> Aww I guess there's none of that for a newcomer like me xD
[09:20] <Okamiden12> if u pledge your loyalty to me 
[09:20] <Horsyqueen> you just wanna punch them in the face
[09:20] <Okamiden12> we can be together forever <>.<>
[09:20] <Gingepusscat123> 0_0
[09:20] <XeRhyme> You try that for one day,You won't live to see the next.
[09:21] <Gingepusscat123> xD
[09:21] <Okamiden12> Rhyme -3-
[09:21] <Okamiden12> 
[09:21] <Okamiden12> i meant as a test subject
[09:21] <Okamiden12> ur my bby ;)
[09:21] <Horsyqueen> the little girl from that show is adorable
[09:21] <Horsyqueen> but she looks too normal now
[09:22] <Gingepusscat123> I'm guessing nobody knows Dragon in person? Cus he's gone for like 4 days now and I've needed to PM him about something :/
[09:22] <Gingepusscat123> *dragonologist123
[09:22] <Horsyqueen> i know of dragonologist
[09:22] <Okamiden12> :|
[09:23] <XeRhyme> He still didn't do his legitamacy thing.
[09:23] <Gingepusscat123> Yeah :) He's the one who introduced me to the whole thing and pointed me in the right direction :) 
[09:23] <XeRhyme> -_-.
[09:23] <Gingepusscat123> What legitamacy thing?
[09:23] <Horsyqueen> i like dragonologist
[09:23] <HawkTech>
[09:23] <Horsyqueen> he was friendly
[09:24] <XeRhyme> Dude was saying he can scan for "race".So I asked him if we could test his accuracy on me,He was like sure.Jonas wanted to be scanned by him to see what he would find.We like.Waited an hour and nothing occured.He a nice dude,But...
[09:24] <XeRhyme> Dang,I wasted an hour
[09:24] <Horsyqueen> oh bullshit
[09:24] <Horsyqueen> when people say they can scan for otherkin
[09:24] <Horsyqueen> thats really been ticking me off recently
[09:24] <XeRhyme> ^
[09:24] <XeRhyme> Same.
[09:24] <Horsyqueen> because otherkin can never be scanned for
[09:25] <Horsyqueen> there isnt even a proper definision
[09:25] <Horsyqueen> as theres too many different beliefs and types
[09:25] <Gingepusscat123> I never really got the otherkin thing.... and I feel like a retard to ask xD I mean I get the concept but is it you would already know throughout your whole life? I dunno
[09:25] <XeRhyme> I honestly see it as a self discovery thing.
[09:25] <Horsyqueen> depends on the type
[09:25] <Horsyqueen> well what i am and believe yes
[09:25] <Horsyqueen> others its more an affinity thing
[09:25] <Gingepusscat123> But how you find out?
[09:25] <XeRhyme> It varies from person to person/place.
[09:25] <Horsyqueen> you just know
[09:26] <Okamiden12> god damnit paradox interactive -3-
[09:26] <Gingepusscat123> Well I just know I'm nothing special that sucks :(
[09:26] <Horsyqueen> loads of people just say rubish though
[09:26] <XeRhyme> Some people get it from past lives,some people just start suddenly feeling like something and investigate it,etc.All kinds of methods.Though ppl will claim the stupidest things to feel special
[09:26] <XeRhyme> It doesn't matter if your otherkin or whatever or not.
[09:26] <Horsyqueen> nooo
[09:26] <Gingepusscat123> Yeah lots of people say rubbish to the whole idea - and then you find that one person who believes you and learns alongside you - i.e. my best friend :3
[09:26] <Horsyqueen> otherkin can be an affinity to the animal
[09:26] <XeRhyme> Your still the same person,In the same body as everyone else.
[09:26] <Horsyqueen> or the feeling your biologically part of that animal
[09:27] <HawkTech>
[09:27] <Horsyqueen> theres soo many
[09:27] <Horsyqueen> and some are insane
[09:27] <Gingepusscat123> Like what? I'm intrigued now :3
[09:27] <Horsyqueen> loads of furrys are therian
[09:27] <XeRhyme> Some people be claimin they gods or somethin.Like,...Ego complex much?
[09:27] <Horsyqueen> but i dont get it too much
[09:27] <Gingepusscat123> xS
[09:27] <Horsyqueen> furry is like saying an animal isnt perfect
[09:27] <Horsyqueen> cos it isnt human enough
[09:27] <Techno Bacon> BUDDUDBAH
[09:28] <Okamiden12> :|
[09:28] <Okamiden12> who dis
[09:28] <Horsyqueen> like wolves are better on 4 because thats what they are
[09:28] <Horsyqueen> and who they are
[09:28] <Techno Bacon> ..I'm Techno Bacon. 
[09:28] <Lesami> horsy, it really isnt
[09:28] <Techno Bacon> Aka Amir 
[09:29] <Horsyqueen> anthromorphism is to get people to relate to animals
[09:29] <Horsyqueen> its everywhere disney, dreamworks and even live action shows
[09:29] <Horsyqueen> eyebrows or hands on horses
[09:30] <Horsyqueen> or a mouse with human features
[09:30] <Lesami> or, its a form of art and nothing more to many but simple entertainment, a lot of it dosent have meaning more than fun and expression
[09:30] <Horsyqueen> yes but it depends
[09:30] <Horsyqueen> art can be used for an artist to improve their world
[09:31] <Horsyqueen> also the thing that ticks me off is people saying they are one thing because of the steryotyped characteristics
[09:31] <Horsyqueen> and then change constantly
[09:32] <Horsyqueen> because they would rather have a characteristic which never actually exists
[09:32] <Lesami> a characteristic like what? 
[09:33] <HawkTech> ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) this are bobe
[09:33] <HawkTech> \| |/ He wants to report googul pluhs
[09:33] <HawkTech> / \ repost this or u wil get no chrismast presends
[09:33] <Horsyqueen> how foxes are supposed to be cunning and some what flirty
[09:33] <Horsyqueen> yes kitsunes are
[09:33] <Horsyqueen> kitsunes are fox demons
[09:33] <Horsyqueen> not foxes
[09:33] <Horsyqueen> in china and japan foxes can become demons
[09:33] <Gingepusscat123> Gtg
[09:34] <Lesami> horsy, artistic expression, fuirries and anthromorphic artwork, as well as peopel who relate to the animal rthemselves do not have a set moral or folkloric system, of course it chjanges
[09:34] <Horsyqueen> an animal on two or as with human characteristics
[09:35] <Horsyqueen> theres a difference between the tigers in movies like jungle book live action
[09:35] <Horsyqueen> and the disney ones
[09:35] <Horsyqueen> one is anthro the other is not
[09:35] <Horsyqueen> if you are relating to an image of a anthromorphic animal you are relating to that and not the animal itself
[09:36] <Horsyqueen> its like is someone related to micky mouse
[09:36] <Horsyqueen> their affinity is with micky mouse
[09:36] <Horsyqueen> not a mouse
[09:36] <Jonas.g> here watch this
[09:36] <Jonas.g>
[09:36] <Horsyqueen> anthromorphism is used a lot because people cant seem to understand animals
[09:37] <Horsyqueen> and will only empathise if they have human charactertistics
[09:37] <Horsyqueen> like marley and me
[09:37] <Horsyqueen> or black beauty
[09:37] <Horsyqueen> black beauty not soo much in the book
[09:37] <Horsyqueen> but the movies
[09:37] <HawkTech> hey guys
[09:37] <HawkTech> what about my photo?
[09:38] <Jonas.g> yeah and rarely youll see an anthro try to carry its fursona with animal characteristics
[09:38] <Horsyqueen> theres a difference between an artists opinion and the real thing
[09:38] <Horsyqueen> yes 
[09:38] <HawkTech> guys
[09:38] <HawkTech> what
[09:38] <Jonas.g> i met three furries
[09:38] <HawkTech> about
[09:38] <HawkTech> my photo
[09:38] <Okamiden12> looks great
[09:38] <KibaTheWolf> Its purple .-.
[09:38] <Horsyqueen> theres very little actually animal about furries
[09:38] <Jonas.g> and none of them make thier furries act like animals
[09:38] <Horsyqueen> and yet they claim to be animals sometimes
[09:39] <HawkTech> i am part
[09:39] <HawkTech> of the chat
[09:39] <Horsyqueen> foxes arent sexual in nature
[09:39] <HawkTech> thats why its purple
[09:39] <Horsyqueen> wolves are barely loyal
[09:39] <Horsyqueen> big cats except lions are solitery and dont like people
[09:39] <KibaTheWolf> Its not chat purple .-.
[09:39] <Okamiden12> it's way off XD
[09:39] <Jonas.g> and dogs will never eat pizza
[09:39] <HawkTech> to lazy to get the hex
[09:40] <HawkTech> too
[09:40] <Horsyqueen> well they will
[09:40] <HawkTech> cant be bothered
[09:40] <Okamiden12> ~sigh~
[09:40] <Horsyqueen> but they wont cut it
[09:40] <Horsyqueen> its a shame really
[09:40] <Horsyqueen> that its like people would rather have an artifical animal then the real thing
[09:40] <Horsyqueen> but loony toons is scary
[09:40] <Horsyqueen> so is micky mouse
[09:41] <Horsyqueen> winnie the pooh is a lovely story about toys
[09:41] <Horsyqueen> not animals
[09:41] <Horsyqueen> you could call them anthro
[09:41] <Horsyqueen> but all the charactors are toys owned by the writter of the books
[09:41] <Horsyqueen> then disney wrecked it
[09:42] <Horsyqueen> and threw away christopher robbin who is like a main charactor
[09:42] <Horsyqueen> you cant get rid of him hes the writter
[09:42] <Horsyqueen> its like making harry potter leave the wizarding world cos he grew out of it
[09:43] <Okamiden12> xD
[09:43] <Okamiden12> wait
[09:43] <Okamiden12> does disney own the rights to Winnie?
[09:43] <Jonas.g> plus furries are extremely sexual
[09:43] <Jonas.g> theres not one time you wont see them masturbating
[09:43] <Okamiden12> Jonas?
[09:44] <Okamiden12> i don't think you know shit about furries
[09:44] <Jonas.g> oh lemme guess your a furry
[09:44] <Okamiden12> oh fuck no
[09:44] <Okamiden12> but i dated one and i know several
[09:44] <Jonas.g> btw furries got me banned from the computer for two months
[09:44] <Okamiden12> they're very affectionate bu not overly sexual 
[09:44] <Horsyqueen> they dont own the rights to the books
[09:45] <Okamiden12> i meant the anition horsy
[09:45] <Okamiden12> animation*
[09:45] <Horsyqueen> yer
[09:45] <Horsyqueen> unforchantly
[09:45] <Okamiden12> i loved winnie as a kid
[09:45] <Okamiden12> :3
[09:45] <Jonas.g> cause my dad said that i couldnt look up little kiddie stuff
[09:45] <Jonas.g> like furries
[09:45] <Jonas.g> and told me to grow up
[09:45] <Horsyqueen> this is how they should look
[09:45] <Okamiden12> jonas likes Taurin Fox
[09:46] <Horsyqueen> i like the donkey
[09:46] <Horsyqueen> i cant spell the name
[09:46] <HawkTech> l
[09:46] <Horsyqueen> well its not kiddy stuff
[09:46] <Horsyqueen> not all are sexual
[09:46] <Okamiden12> Eor 
[09:46] <Okamiden12> :3
[09:46] <Horsyqueen> well its got a huge majority of gays so i wouldnt know if they were
[09:47] <Jonas.g> no oka i dont
[09:47] <Horsyqueen> but theres a lot of fetishes in the community
[09:47] <Okamiden12> indeed
[09:47] <Jonas.g> so you know what i grew up
[09:47] <Okamiden12> but true furries aren't that
[09:47] <Okamiden12> idk what i mean by that
[09:47] <Jonas.g> so you know how i got unbanned i watched kick-ass
[09:47] <KarmaReforged> well
[09:47] <Okamiden12> ...
[09:47] <KarmaReforged> ill just see myself out 
[09:47] <Horsyqueen> i find a lot of the british ones awkward and creepy
[09:47] <Horsyqueen> also pretencious
[09:47] <Jonas.g> and then i watched bleach
[09:48] <Okamiden12> :|
[09:48] <Jonas.g> the i watched 2 horror movies without crying
[09:48] <Okamiden12> ....
[09:48] <Okamiden12> wow what a big man
[09:48] <Okamiden12> -3-
[09:48] <Horsyqueen> i cried during war horse
[09:48] <Horsyqueen> that was sad
[09:48] <Jonas.g> (middlefinger)
[09:48] <Jonas.g> @ oka
[09:48] <XeRhyme> And the problem is?
[09:48] <Horsyqueen> i cried in the theatre performance too
[09:48] <XeRhyme> What's the movie war horse about Horsy?
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> okami loves jonas
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> its about a horse
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> during a war
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> called world war one
[09:49] <Okamiden12> Horsy ...i have a b/f e.e
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> cos more horses lost their lives during that war then people
[09:49] <XeRhyme> Tots sure she wasn't serious.
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> and it wasnt even their war
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> no one cared
[09:49] <XeRhyme> That's true tho.Horses were treated expendably.
[09:49] <Horsyqueen> most survivers were sold to buchers
[09:50] <Horsyqueen> and many people had their horses taken by the governement
[09:50] <Okamiden12> whilst i don't condone animal aboose i do enjoy meat...a lot
[09:50] <Horsyqueen> to have them never returned
[09:50] <Horsyqueen> horses are best friends to people
[09:50] <Horsyqueen> like better then dogs in most cases
[09:50] <XeRhyme> and were used for quite a long period of time and still are.Not to mention were one of the first animals domesticated.
[09:50] <Horsyqueen> like Warrior
[09:51] <Horsyqueen> horses are much more loyal and caring then dogs
[09:51] <Jonas.g> plus i dont like furries that much
[09:51] <Okamiden12> i love furries *^*
[09:51] <Okamiden12> they're fun people :D 
[09:51] <Horsyqueen> i watched an interview with this 80 something year old who lived on a farm
[09:51] <Horsyqueen> she had 4 shire horses
[09:51] <Horsyqueen> show she loved
[09:51] <Jonas.g> theyre ok
[09:51] <Horsyqueen> and cared for
[09:51] <HawkTech> finally got it
[09:51] <Horsyqueen> and they were like her best friends
[09:51] <Hermes000> Hey
[09:52] <HawkTech> see
[09:52] <Horsyqueen> the governement then took them to war
[09:52] <Jonas.g> but furries gotsme banned from da computer
[09:52] <HawkTech> now im part of the chat
[09:52] <Horsyqueen> and they never heard of the horses again
[09:52] <Jonas.g> i shall never forgive them
[09:52] <Okamiden12> thats sad :C
[09:52] <HawkTech> oka
[09:52] <HawkTech> look at me
[09:52] <Jaacob> that's clever hawk
[09:52] <HawkTech> i am now
[09:52] <Okamiden12> perfect
[09:52] <Okamiden12> but
[09:52] <HawkTech> part of the chat
[09:52] <Okamiden12> there is a white line around it
[09:52] <Horsyqueen> theres tonnes of cases
[09:52] <Okamiden12> so XD
[09:52] <HawkTech> yeah nothing i can do
[09:52] <Horsyqueen> like farmers need horses
[09:52] <Horsyqueen> back then
[09:52] <Okamiden12> u iz separate from chat
[09:52] <Horsyqueen> they were valuble
[09:53] <Horsyqueen> england was well known for its amazing cavelry
[09:53] <The21starchivist> I wanna puke some one shoot me....
[09:53] <Okamiden12> in china you could get a wife with 2 horses or an ox
[09:53] <Horsyqueen> but during world war 1 they didnt realise that horses were outdated
[09:53] <Horsyqueen> and they were slaughtered
[09:54] <Jonas.g> watch dis
[09:54] <Horsyqueen> and its not just horses that suffered
[09:54] <KibaTheWolf> Does anyone here know what's shadow people?
[09:54] <Horsyqueen> donkeys, asses, mules, hinnys did too
[09:54] <The21starchivist> God some one shoot me...
[09:54] <XeRhyme> I know what they are.
[09:54] <Horsyqueen> watch this trailier rhyme
[09:54] <Horsyqueen> it makes me cry
[09:54] <Jaacob> what's wrong starc?
[09:54] <The21starchivist> :o'
[09:55] <Horsyqueen> because its a true story
[09:55] <Horsyqueen> of many horses
[09:55] <KibaTheWolf> What are they?
[09:55] <The21starchivist> Sick as a dog...
[09:55] <Jaacob> sick how?
[09:55] <Horsyqueen> like for an animal which is hunted by lions
[09:55] <Horsyqueen> and once by tigers
[09:55] <Horsyqueen> and their best friends are soo cruel
[09:55] <XeRhyme> I'll pm them
[09:56] <Horsyqueen> and they were put through that bloody war
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> Lagging..
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> ..
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> WOAH
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> MASSIVE LAG
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> Alright
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> Clearing chat in 3
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> Clearing Chat in 2
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> Clearing chat in 1 
[09:56] <Jonas.g> yes Xe i know you know what they are i did this so you guys could hear that this fandom shouldve been left within thier childhood
[09:56] <Techno Bacon> Cleared
[09:56] <The21starchivist> Egg burps... Smells like a mix between sulfur and pyuke I want to puke every time I smell on I want to pass out
[09:56] <Horsyqueen> i think there needs to be a remake of black beauty
[09:57] <Horsyqueen> that book is one of the most famous and revolutionising books of the victiorian era
[09:57] <Horsyqueen> it changed everyones views on animals
[09:57] <HawkTech> guys
[09:57] <Horsyqueen> and saved a lot of lives
[09:57] <XeRhyme> Omg Horsy,that trailer
[09:57] <HawkTech> look at my snake
[09:57] <HawkTech> ---------------------
[09:57] <Horsyqueen> i got the dvd
[09:57] <The21starchivist> I hate stomach bugs....
[09:57] <Horsyqueen> it makes me cry but soo does secretariat
[09:58] <The21starchivist> x,x
[09:58] <Horsyqueen> theres only a few good horse movies
[09:58] <Horsyqueen> black beauty both of them, secretariat, hidalgo, war horse, seabiscuit and national velvet
[09:59] <The21starchivist> Please some one put me out of my misory....
[09:59] <HawkTech> horsy
[09:59] <Horsyqueen> oh gosh all the black beauty movies are older then me
[09:59] <HawkTech> dadure - sandstorm
[09:59] <Horsyqueen> ?
[09:59] <Horsyqueen> never heard of it
[10:00] <HawkTech> youtube
[10:00] <Horsyqueen> no
[10:00] <HawkTech> y no
[10:01] <Horsyqueen> i dont trust you
[10:01] <HawkTech> dafuq
[10:01] <Horsyqueen> it says porn when i looked it up on google
[10:01] <HawkTech> it isnt
[10:02] <HawkTech> theres no porn
[10:02] <HawkTech> on youtube
[10:02] <Horsyqueen> errr yes there is
[10:02] <HawkTech> k den
[10:02] <Ahmedrashwan> Hi
[10:03] <Ahmedrashwan> Can some tell me how to do kin?
[10:03] <Horsyqueen> awwww the fault in our stars is supposed to be soo predictable
[10:03] <Horsyqueen> and its got the potentual to be a good story
[10:03] <Horsyqueen> too many girly romantic stories
[10:05] <Horsyqueen> like evn hunger games is leaning that way
[10:05] <Lesami> ahmed, click on the PM
[10:08] <Okamiden12> idk why i left
[10:08] <Okamiden12> i just had to get a bunch of movies e.e
[10:08] <Horsyqueen> hey okami
[10:08] <Okamiden12> hey howsy
[10:08] <Okamiden12> horsy*
[10:08] <Okamiden12> e.e
[10:09] <XeRhyme> Okaaaaa
[10:09] <Okamiden12> :D 
[10:09] <Okamiden12> i wish you were here to watch movies with me -;
[10:10] <Okamiden12> though we'd probably be too busy with other things to pay attention to them ;)
[10:10] <Daedraa> :O
[10:10] <XeRhyme> Put the movie on skype,We could still watch it like that.
[10:11] <Horsyqueen> what u watching
[10:11] <Okamiden12> idk yet
[10:11] <Okamiden12> i've got SOOO many right here e.e
[10:11] <Okamiden12> i think ima start with eragon :P
[10:12] <Okamiden12> idk >.<
[10:12] <Okamiden12> someone remind me to burn this copy of Sky High
[10:12] <Okamiden12> :|
[10:12] <Okamiden12> i refuse to let it stain this collection
[10:13] <XeRhyme> So old Oka
[10:13] <HawkTech> heeeeeeey
[10:13] <HawkTech> its a cool movie
[10:13] <XeRhyme> Got all da classics
[10:13] <Okamiden12> * Okamiden12 pulls out a coppy of Shawshank Redemption
[10:13] <Okamiden12> hells ya
[10:13] <Horsyqueen> my eyes are sleepy
[10:13] <Horsyqueen> but i am not
[10:13] <Okamiden12> it's literally the only survivor of my stephen king collection ;-;
[10:13] <HawkTech> oh
[10:14] <Horsyqueen> i have only had 4 hours sleep
[10:14] <HawkTech> look who logged in
[10:14] <Horsyqueen> stephen king is epic
[10:14] <Kile574> oh my, all the people 
[10:14] <Okamiden12> i miss my copies of misery and carrie the most tho
[10:14] <Okamiden12> KILE
[10:14] <Okamiden12> did u fix the thing?
[10:14] <Horsyqueen> my dad has the whole collection
[10:14] <Kile574> Nope~
[10:14] <Okamiden12> ...damn lazy ass kile -3-
[10:15] <Kile574> Ive got a page to write, favicon to fix , users to have casual conversations with and a tinychat session to start
[10:15] <Okamiden12> cuz down two of those
[10:15] <Okamiden12> the last two would be good
[10:15] <Kile574> Not sure what order to do it in..
[10:15] <HawkTech>
[10:15] <Okamiden12> fix the favicon first
[10:15] <Okamiden12> then the paper
[10:15] <Okamiden12> then the tinychat
[10:15] <Kile574> Hnnnnng...
[10:15] <Kile574> Fine
[10:15] <Okamiden12> then the casual conversation
[10:15] <HawkTech> hey kile
[10:15] <Horsyqueen> urghhh i got to tidy my room
[10:15] <Horsyqueen> i dont wanna
[10:15] <Kile574> oh no, i have to write a page on energy .-.
[10:15] <HawkTech> what do you think
[10:16] <HawkTech> about my face
[10:16] <HawkTech> ?
[10:16] <Kile574> Interesting.
[10:16] <Aslal> Kile.
[10:16] <Kile574> How'd you pull that off ?
[10:16] <Kile574> Yes aslal ?
[10:16] <Aslal> Pineapple.
[10:16] <Aslal> That one Vine.
[10:16] <Kile574> Are you just pinging me ?
[10:16] <Kile574> oh.
[10:16] <Kile574> That was pretty good xD
[10:16] <XeRhyme> Wait,Kile,Why are you called pineapple?
[10:16] <Okamiden12> ^
[10:16] <Okamiden12> i'm curious as well
[10:16] <Kile574> Its a story thats not PG-13 . 
[10:16] <Horsyqueen> ooooo
[10:17] <Kile574> * Kile574 leaves it at that 
[10:17] <Okamiden12> kile once had a pineapple where the sun don't shine
[10:17] <Jonas.g> sorry oka
[10:17] <Horsyqueen> yesterday was the only friday 13th
[10:17] <Horsyqueen> with a full moon
[10:17] <Horsyqueen> in many hundreds of years
[10:17] <Okamiden12> sorry about what?
[10:17] <Aslal> Téléfrançais
[10:17] <Jonas.g> i get drustrated with furries
[10:17] <Jonas.g> *frusturated
[10:17] <Kile574> No but ah.. it was because aslal said i reminded him of this pineapple from that telefrancais show he used to watch
[10:17] <Okamiden12> you're saying sorry because?
[10:17] <Jonas.g> yes
[10:17] <Horsyqueen> jonas
[10:17] <Horsyqueen> dont go on deviant art then
[10:17] <Kile574> And then he called me pineapple, and i ended up on other OEC sites, where they started calling me pineapple. 
[10:17] <Horsyqueen> they like invaded
[10:17] <Kile574> And then some of them shortened it to Papple 
[10:18] <Jonas.g> yeah
[10:18] <Kile574> So im known as kile, pineapple, and papple .-.
[10:18] <Okamiden12> ...ur gunna be Kile to me forever
[10:18] <Kile574> Which is odd because a papple is actually an asian.. pear i think
[10:18] <Aslal> This is Kile:
[10:18] <Jonas.g> i try but its the only site where anime artists can be free
[10:18] <Horsyqueen> pear cross apple
[10:19] <Okamiden12> people need to stop cross breeding apples
[10:19] <Horsyqueen> a chum is a cherry cross plum
[10:19] <Okamiden12> i need more designer breed dogs damn it
[10:19] <Aslal> Oka, click that link.
[10:19] <KibaTheWolf> Jonas and Xe PM
[10:19] <Horsyqueen> all pure breeds are designer
[10:19] <Aslal> That's the origin of Pineapple
[10:19] <Kile574> O__O "Papple: *Nickname for Jen Schoborg a.k.a Pineapple, known leader of the Iowan mafia"
[10:19] <Okamiden12> i did aslal
[10:19] <Okamiden12> and i hate you for it
[10:19] <Ahmedrashwan> Horsyqueen..ur nation is playing now on world cup 🏆 XD
[10:20] <Horsyqueen> i know
[10:20] <Horsyqueen> if we win then it would be a miricle
[10:20] <Horsyqueen> england is crap at football
[10:20] <Horsyqueen> even if we created it
[10:20] <Okamiden12> i hate football
[10:20] <Aslal> Why hate me?
[10:20] <Okamiden12> -3-
[10:20] <Aslal> I just showed you a picture of Kile
[10:20] <Okamiden12> cuz aslal, ima have nightmares about it now
[10:20] <XeRhyme> The papple
[10:21] <Aslal>
[10:21] <Aslal> I think this one is better.
[10:21] <Aslal> Also, in this Vine, Kile is on fire:
[10:21] <Ahmedrashwan> Don't say that horsy..but I think England must increase defense energy
[10:21] <Kile574> Actually, as it turns out i dont have time to fix the icon, write the page, talk, or play on tinychat.
[10:21] <Okamiden12> is it bad that i click even though i know what it is
[10:21] <Ahmedrashwan> I mean defense system
[10:21] <Horsyqueen> england just doesnt have the players it used to
[10:22] <Kile574> I've gotta go everyone . Wont be back until later tonight. like. hours .
[10:22] <Kile574> Bye~
[10:22] <Okamiden12> BY
[10:22] <Okamiden12> bYE
[10:22] <Kile574> Oka ill work on the icon when i get back.
[10:22] <Okamiden12> dont buy fruit from the streets
[10:22] <Okamiden12> you'll get AIDS
[10:22] <XeRhyme> Bye kile
[10:22] <Horsyqueen> wtf?
[10:23] <Horsyqueen> you'll get hiv from fruit?
[10:23] <HawkTech> fruits are bad for health
[10:23] <Jonas.g> and touvhdown!!
[10:23] <Okamiden12> magic thats how
[10:23] <Horsyqueen> no they arent
[10:23] <HawkTech> of course they are
[10:23] <HawkTech> they are green
[10:23] <HawkTech> red
[10:23] <HawkTech> etc
[10:23] <Jonas.g> kile makes it past the field goal can you believe it folks
[10:23] <HawkTech> thats bad
[10:23] <Okamiden12> im having cravings >.<
[10:23] <Horsyqueen> just dont do nutrition
[10:23] <HawkTech> you see
[10:23] <HawkTech> hamburguer
[10:23] <Horsyqueen> i rarely get cravings
[10:24] <HawkTech> its the worst fruit
[10:24] <Okamiden12> Rhyme knocked me up with the biokinesis XD
[10:24] <Horsyqueen> dont troll
[10:24] <Horsyqueen> you know very well what a fruit is
[10:24] <HawkTech> oh
[10:24] <HawkTech> you mean like
[10:24] <HawkTech> sexual parts
[10:24] <Okamiden12> :|
[10:24] <Okamiden12> Hawk...
[10:25] <Okamiden12> c'mon man -3-
[10:25] <Horsyqueen> theres a professor at the uni i want to go to who studies the genitalia of insects
[10:25] <HawkTech> thats why
[10:25] <HawkTech> oka
[10:25] <HawkTech> said kile would get aids
[10:25] <HawkTech> its explained now
[10:25] <Okamiden12> xD
[10:26] <Okamiden12> Kile already has it he just doesn't know it yet
[10:26] <Horsyqueen> oh dear
[10:26] <Horsyqueen> hiv is the virus
[10:26] <Horsyqueen> aids is the disease
[10:26] <Horsyqueen> it would be
[10:26] <Horsyqueen> kile would get hiv
[10:26] <HawkTech> wait
[10:26] <HawkTech> what
[10:26] <Okamiden12> Aquired Imunno deficiency syndome
[10:26] <HawkTech> mindfuck
[10:27] <Okamiden12> i'm sure atleast one of those words is spelled correctly
[10:27] <Okamiden12> xD
[10:27] <Okamiden12> Human Immuno Virus
[10:28] <Horsyqueen> hiv is a awful virus
[10:28] <Okamiden12> indeed
[10:28] <Horsyqueen> you can get it from tattoos
[10:28] <Horsyqueen> or injections
[10:28] <HawkTech> what does it do
[10:28] <Okamiden12> anything involving penetration really
[10:28] <HawkTech> it fuckings tricks you
[10:28] <Horsyqueen> it kills your immune system
[10:28] <Okamiden12> (troll) 
[10:28] <Horsyqueen> by rendering your antibodies inactive
[10:28] <HawkTech> yeah
[10:28] <HawkTech> but it does
[10:28] <HawkTech> something
[10:28] <HawkTech> to fool
[10:28] <HawkTech> your body
[10:28] <HawkTech> you know
[10:29] <HawkTech> like he pretend
[10:29] <Ahmedrashwan> U can heal all virus with ccd
[10:29] <HawkTech> hes a part
[10:29] <HawkTech> of your body
[10:29] <Okamiden12> ccd?
[10:29] <Horsyqueen> no you cant
[10:29] <Okamiden12> ..what are ccd
[10:29] <Horsyqueen> viruses are not classified as living
[10:29] <Horsyqueen> therefore you can't kill them
[10:30] <HawkTech> pwned
[10:30] <Horsyqueen> they also cant be killed by antibiotics
[10:30] <HawkTech> rekt
[10:30] <Okamiden12> xD
[10:30] <Horsyqueen> osmosis lysis only works on cells
[10:30] <Horsyqueen> mostly if they have a cell wall
[10:30] <Horsyqueen> like prokaryotic cells
[10:31] <Horsyqueen> so bacteria like cholera
[10:31] <HawkTech> dafuq is this
[10:31] <HawkTech> like electrolysis?
[10:31] <Okamiden12> mm not really
[10:31] <Horsyqueen> electrolysis is the splitting of molecules by electrcity
[10:32] <Okamiden12> IDK WHAT TO WATCH FIRSTTTT ;-;
[10:32] <Horsyqueen> osmosis is the net movement of water across a semi permable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration down a concentration gradeient to reach an equilibrium.
[10:32] <Horsyqueen> its a form of passive diffusion
[10:33] <Horsyqueen> lysis is where the cell basically bursts
[10:33] <Horsyqueen> because water travels in through the membrane
[10:33] <Horsyqueen> and bang
[10:34] <Horsyqueen> thats how penicilian works in basic words
[10:36] <Ahmedrashwan> Goal for Italy XD
[10:37] <HawkTech> against?
[10:37] <HawkTech> 
[10:37] <Ahmedrashwan> and another for England
[10:37] <Ahmedrashwan> 1-1
[10:37] <Horsyqueen> england is gonna loose
[10:38] <HawkTech> hey
[10:39] <HawkTech> when i grow up
[10:39] <HawkTech> i will be bigger
[10:40] <ImAMonkey> Eins left...
[10:40] <Okamiden12> ages ago
[10:41] <ImAMonkey> Crap...
[10:42] <HawkTech> lol
[10:42] <HawkTech> a new kind of rap
[10:42] <HawkTech> crap
[10:43] <ImAMonkey> ...
[10:43] <Okamiden12> it's not new Hawk
[10:43] <Okamiden12> crap has been around for a long time ;)
[10:43] <Okamiden12> -every current rapper eveer-
[10:44] <HawkTech> do you even crap?
[10:44] <Okamiden12> or should i say Crapper
[10:46] <ImAMonkey> ...
[10:46] <KibaTheWolf> Mikey PM
[10:58] <Okamiden12> mew :3
[11:00] <ImAMonkey> ...
[11:02] <HawkTech> im going tgo watch
[11:02] <HawkTech> x files
[11:02] <HawkTech> dafuq
[11:02] <HawkTech> the chat is full
[11:02] <HawkTech> and empty
[11:02] <HawkTech> at the same time
[11:03] <HawkTech> o.o
[11:03] <Okamiden12> xD
[11:03] <Okamiden12> yeh
[11:03] <ImAMonkey> No one is talking...
[11:03] <Okamiden12> i just finished rhymes avatar
[11:03] <Okamiden12> :D 
[11:03] <Okamiden12>
[11:03] <Okamiden12> if anyone cares
[11:04] <ImAMonkey> I would care
[11:04] <Jaacob> nice
[11:04] <ImAMonkey> But I'm not in the mood
[11:04] <Okamiden12> Michael do you want Avin's skype?
[11:04] <ImAMonkey> Sure
[11:04] <Okamiden12> kk
[11:04] <ImAMonkey> Why?
[11:04] <Okamiden12> don't u wanna talk to her
[11:05] <Okamiden12> e.e or is it not urvent
[11:05] <ImAMonkey> Well we had a conversation
[11:05] <Okamiden12> urgent*
[11:05] <ImAMonkey> But it could wait
[11:05] <Okamiden12> cuz she might hurt oki-kyun
[11:05] <Okamiden12> oh mkay
[11:05] <ImAMonkey> Only if she wants to give me her Skype
[11:06] <Okamiden12> she should be back at some point
[11:06] <ImAMonkey> That's obvious
[11:07] <Okamiden12> xD
[11:07] <Okamiden12> sorry
[11:07] <ImAMonkey> No need to be sorry...
[11:07] <XeRhyme> Dang.How do I put up a profile pic
[11:07] <Okamiden12> ~sigh~
[11:07] <ImAMonkey> On your profile
[11:07] <ImAMonkey> profile page*
[11:08] <XeRhyme> Just add the image?Thought that put it on your wall
[11:08] <ImAMonkey> Hover over your pic and click edit avatar
[11:08] <ImAMonkey> Then select the file
[11:08] <Okamiden12> :3
[11:08] <Okamiden12> then leave and rejoin the chat
[11:08] <Okamiden12> :|
[11:09] <KibaTheWolf> Xe PM
[11:10] <XeRhyme> I alrdy replied.
[11:11] <KibaTheWolf> Damn, it didnt show
[11:27] <ImAMonkey> Nuu Jaacob...
[11:29] <ImAMonkey> Nuu Kiba...
[11:29] <ImAMonkey> I have no one to talk to now ;_;
[11:29] <Okamiden12> -tackles monchie-
[11:29] <ImAMonkey> -is depressed-
[11:29] <Okamiden12> -3-
[11:30] <Okamiden12> BE HAPPY DAMMIT
[11:30] <Okamiden12> if i can fake it you can too
[11:30] <ImAMonkey> I can't
[11:30] <Okamiden12> ;~;
[11:30] <ImAMonkey> ;_;
[11:30] <Okamiden12> it's okie
[11:30] <Okamiden12> -pets-
[11:31] <Okamiden12> -feeds grapes0
[11:32] <ImAMonkey> -not hungry-
[11:32] <ImAMonkey> -is dying-
[11:33] <Okamiden12> :|
[11:33] <Okamiden12> dont' dieee
[11:33] <ImAMonkey> Anxiety's killing me
[11:34] <Okamiden12> oh
[11:34] <Okamiden12> hmm
[11:34] <Okamiden12> pm
[11:34] <Jonas.g> yes i made super cool fantasy armor
[11:34] <Jonas.g> for my new account
[11:35] <Okamiden12> lol
[11:35] <ImAMonkey> New account?
[11:35] <Jonas.g> oh for tumblr
[11:36] <Jonas.g> i named the armor mjolnir's thunder
[11:36] <Okamiden12> that's dumb :|
[11:36] <Okamiden12> Mjölnir
[11:36] <XeRhyme> Back,Oh hey chats alive.
[11:36] <Okamiden12> :P
[11:37] <XeRhyme> *Was doing some kendo stuff,forgot to brb
[11:37] <Jonas.g> okay then come up with a better name for the armor
[11:37] <ImAMonkey> do /me and then type your message
[11:37] <ImAMonkey> /me
[11:37] <ImAMonkey> * ImAMonkey ...
[11:37] <Okamiden12> i mean you spelled mjölner wrong
[11:37] <Okamiden12> and
[11:38] <ImAMonkey> Talking to Xe
[11:38] <XeRhyme> * XeRhyme Yolo
[11:38] <Okamiden12> oh
[11:38] <Jonas.g> well sorry my computer only speaks english
[11:38] <ImAMonkey> there you go Xe
[11:38] <ImAMonkey> I gotta go
[11:39] <ImAMonkey> Oyasumi minna~
[11:39] <Okamiden12> bye monchie
[11:39] <Okamiden12> :c
[11:39] <XeRhyme> Bye Monkey.
[11:39] <Jonas.g> too late Xe he left
[11:39] <XeRhyme> Ik i was a little late.
[11:39] <Jonas.g> (troll) 
[11:40] <Jonas.g> random!
[11:40] <Okamiden12> pernus
[11:40] <Jonas.g> lol pernus
[11:43] <Okamiden12> mmhhhhmmmm :D 
[11:44] <Okamiden12> jonas
[11:44] <Okamiden12> did u apologize cuz i left the chat without warning?
[11:44] <Jonas.g> yes
[11:44] <Jonas.g> and thats why i dont like furs
[11:44] <Okamiden12> meh :D 
[11:45] <Okamiden12> wooooooooow shirtless dude ran past my room :|
[11:45] <Jonas.g> ok
[11:45] <Okamiden12> man tits like a mo' fo'
[11:45] <XeRhyme> lol
[11:45] <Okamiden12> i'm talkin deflated airbags dangling from his chest
[11:46] <Okamiden12> like fleshy mudflaps
[11:46] <Jonas.g> oh god my eyes
[11:46] <Jonas.g> they burn from the man boobs
[11:47] <Jonas.g> *jonas's eyes burst into flames
[11:47] <Okamiden12> lel
[11:47] <Jonas.g> (troll) lolololololololololol
[11:48] <Okamiden12> hehehee
[11:48] <Lesami> stop being offensive
[11:49] <Jonas.g> meow?
[11:50] <Okamiden12> rhyme did u add the avatar?