
Hello, ML88 here with another blog posting, this one is a little different from the others, this one is a religious one. I am converting to Paganism and more spasifically Wiccan. I found a website that has a 52 weeks programe in order to convert. For those that are interested this is going to be a new weekly blog posting following my conversion, post in the comments if you are interested in the weekly blogs. 

For Starters

Week I: Difining the word Wiccan

In the first week they are asking me to difine what it means to be wiccan and do a little inside research. From what i have learned already they have (sorry we have) 2 rules to live by (essentially):

Do What feels right and Harm None.

The blogs will probably get more descriptive as they go along but thus is week 1 (April 8th- April 15th, 2013)

